Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A number of Gold Farming Spots You Should Know in World of Warcraft

A number of Gold Farming Spots You Should Know in World of Warcraft

Do you know long it takes most people to get 20, 000 golds in World of Warcraft? A long time! Many people dedicate their lives to try and earn that gold in order to level up. Farming gold may be the first choose. However , there are many gold farming spots in World of Warcraft. Some are good and some aren't. It is hard to find a good spot because they are either occupied all the time or they are simply not that valuable. Which is the good spot that can farm plenty wow gold? Here are several good ideas for you, which maybe helpfulto you.

1 . Azshara

Azshara is one of the more popular wow gold farming spots. There are a few different approaches you can take here, you can start out with the Massive Timbermaws, then reach the Blood Elves, Blood Elves will drop Runecloth once they are killed, and there is always a market for Runecloth. Runedoth can be collected and sold at the auction house.

2 . Stratholme

Stratholme is a five-man instance which is dependent on the ability of the group, can usually be run in 40 minutes to an hour. The keys to success in running the Stratholme instance are skills, experience, solid tactics, and great communication amongst your group. I've found it very easy to make a lot of gold from disenchanted items in this particular instance, making it one of the better World of Warcraft gold farming spots.

3. Stranglethorn Vale

In Stranglethorn Vale there is a spot called Crystalvein Mine where you can farm Ironjaw Basiliks. To locate this region, head east from the Gurubashi Arena. Once you have reached the spot, you will come across a good number of Ironjaw Basilisks. Ironjaw Basiliks will drop vendor trash items which you can collect and sell for significant amount of gold. You can also grind their corpses for thick leather and heavy leather.

4. Un'Goro Crater

One of the best wow gold farming spots is Un'Goro Crater. However to make it a good farming spot, you need to have at least mining as one of your professions. I say this because there's a lot of Thorium ore in this area. This mineral sells for nice money, because it's needed in quite high quantities to skill up jewelcrafting, blacksmithing and engineering.

5. Scholomance

Another good wow gold farming spots is in Scholomance. Many players haven't even been there before. However , since it's an instance and the creatures inside are elite, you need at least a 70 character. The mobs inside drop plenty of Runecloth, they have big chances to drop Pristine Black Diamonds needed for "The Insane", green items and other valuable stuff. There is a type of ghosts that you need to focus on inside Scholomance. The Spectral Researchers. They drop lifestealing enchanting formula which can be sold for nice gold.

6. Wintergrasp

Wintergrasp is an area which is known as PvP zone, but it's also a great place to go to when you're trying to get quick gold. There are many spots all over the zone with different elemental eternals that are clustered close together. Search the auction house for the elementals that are selling for the most gold.

7. Onslaught Harbor

Onslaught Harbor is one of the Northrend gold farming spots that I prefer because I'm a tailor. There are many humanoid mobs here that drop Frostweave Cloth, they have low HP and a high respawn rate. So I can get a lot more cloth scraps. However , you'd better keep an eye out because this is a daily quest zone and you can get attacked by an enemy player that comes for here to complete those quests. Also, there are a few daily quests on these mobs and you can make a few extra bucks if you complete them.

These areas are effective in how to make gold in the world of warcraft. You want to more knowledge about how to choose good farming gold spots? Come to igamei. com and you will find what you want.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Creating Guide

World of Warcraft Gold Creating Guide

It can take a long time for World of Warcraft newbies to build up any amount of gold let alone a substantial amount. I started to look for ways to increase my gold amount in less amount of time. I came across a few World of Warcraft gold creating guides to learn some new tactics. One, in particular, speeded up the process of earning gold for me in a straight-forward manner.

I recently bought a World of Warcraft guide to make more gold. I wanted to talk a little about it as I was impressed with it overall. Now, I've known about these guides as well as buying gold for awhile now. As everyone who plays the game knows, there is nothing but spam concerning these gold sellers. I can't stand them and I report them all the time. This is also illegal so I wanted to know where and how I could make more gold faster, legally, and without being scammed.

I believe I found the answer to my problem. I found a quality world of warcraft guide that showed me in a no-nonsense way how to make a lot more gold legally. There are really only 2 or 3 gold guides out there that are worth the time and money to invest in, but I think this one is the best.

I didn't know what to make of it at first since it was written so simply, except that maybe it was another scam. But I had to stop judging it by its cover and dug into it. There is a lot of information contained within it and once I started reading, I knew this guide was on to something. As a veteran Warcraft player, I knew right away that these strategies would work. Some of these were so simple that I did the ol' Homer Simpson hand slap to my head... "Doh! ". How did I ever miss that? It was 'not-so-common' common sense.

Seeing things like this, I loved it and knew I already had my money's worth and I was not even 25% of the way through it. I had to keep reading and there is so much stuff that I couldnt get through it all in one night. I use it as a reference for gold making tips now. Once I started using its tips and strategies, I immediately added 50 gold to my coffers in less than 2 hours. The world of warcraft guide I use advertises 100 gold per hour but that is just relatively speaking. Some of these techniques bring in more and some bring in less gold than that.

Some of the ways to make gold are simple and some are much more involved so the timeframe varies according to how you want to make your money. The main point for me is that, you do make money. I was also given some very nice, useful bonuses too, including an Auctioneering and Fishing guide. I always wanted to know more about auction house cash too and this guide laid it all out for me.

I really like this guide. The author is a regular player for one. The guide also opens up your mind to other possibilities which aren't even included. A book that makes you think... hmmmm. The author lends support, an affiliate program, and updates for life. In addition , it is useable by all levels 1-70 and is constantly updated to include Burning Crusade strategies. The $37 I spent for this guide was money well spent and I can now make my own gold quicker anytime I want to. I have to say "Thanks" to the author for putting this out.

Click here for more information

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

World of Warcraft Quick Gold Startegy for Newbie Players

In the game of World of Warcraft, every player knows that gold is very important in the game. With a lot of it, you can buy the items that you need to make your character stronger, which is essential to complete quests as well as leveling up. Gold is also used in the game to pay for your character's training and to learn new skills.

If you are new to the game, then you may find it difficult to earn gold. However, there are ways on how you can make gold quickly and easily even if you have a low level character.

As a newbie in the game, you will see that asking for gold can be a very effective strategy. World of Warcraft is a very popular game where millions of people play it from all over the world. Think about it, with the number of players in World of Warcraft, there are bound to be a few generous people in the crowd who are willing to spare some of their money to newbie players like you.

Try to ask high level guild members for money. You will see that most of them will be happy to give you some. In fact, some new players are so lucky that they don’t even have to ask for it, especially if the high leveled player is in a good mood.

Although this method can be embarrassing, it is very effective. After all, it's only a game and there's really no harm asking for some gold in the game. If you are willing to drop your pride and dignity just to acquire some gold, this technique will definitely pay off.

However, you need to remember that simply asking for gold is not good enough in order for your character to become rich in the game. Another method to acquire gold is to go on quests early on in the game. This will definitely get you the gold you need. As a new player with a low level character, you will see that your character will not be too dependent on gears. Instead of spending all of your hard earned gold in newbie gears, try to save it for later for high level gears.

Grinding is another great strategy to get gold for newbie players. Kill as much mob as you can especially humanoid mobs. They provide good item drops and even drop gold. You should do this as you go on your quest as it will not only make you rich, but it will also help you gain EXP which will get your character to level up.

These are just some of the many strategies that you can do in order for you to make gold in World of Warcraft. There are hundreds of strategies that you can do, such as take on jobs and play the Auction House.

Early on in the game, try begging for money from high leveled players, especially those who are members of guilds. Most of them will be more than happy to give you some gold to help you start playing the game. Some will even give you rare items that you can sell on the Auction House.

With these strategies, you can be sure that you will be able to make a lot of gold even if you are a newbie.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

World of Warcraft Hot Spots for Gold Farming

In World of Warcraft, gold is everything. You need it to buy items, you need it to learn new skills, and you also need it to level up certain professions. Farming gold in World of Warcraft can be very effective. But, it can really get old rather quickly. However, you will find that there are still a few hot spots in the game which will let you pick up massive amounts of gold and at the same time add more EXP to level up your character.

So, here are 6 of the best World of Warcraft gold farming spots which will let you save a lot of time and make more money for your character.

The first is Azshara. This is one of the most popular World of Warcraft gold farming spots. If you are new to the game and to this particular spot in the game, it is highly recommended that you start heading north mid area first. Here, you will be able to start farming by killing Massive Timbermaws. Next, head east in order to reach the Blood Elves. Blood Elves will drop Runecloth, which are very valuable and can really make you a lot of gold. Here, you will also have a chance to grind on Legashi Demons, which will drop blues, greens and even epics.

The second is Westfall. At the western shore of Westfall, you will find an outpost of Defias Trappers, which is a good gold farming spot for both low and high level players. These monsters have about 35 percent drop rate for linen cloth, which is also valuable and can sell for gold.

The third spot is Stratholme. If you are with a group of five players, then this place is for you. It can usually be run in less than an hour. This spot is recommended for gold farming for advanced players and players with the necessary skills and experience. Good communication is also important as well as solid tactics. This is a great place to make a lot of gold from disenchanted items.

The fourth is the Stranglethorn Vale. Here, go to the cave called Crystalvein Mine. Inside the mine, head to the east from the Gurubashi Arena. Here, you will find plenty of Ironjaw Basilisks, which can drop vendor trash items which you can sell for a significant amount of gold. Try grinding corpses here as you can get thick leather and heavy leather which is also valuable.

The fifth place to farm gold is Felwood. Here, you will find plenty of Angerclaw Mauler bears. A good spot for this creature is located northeast from the Bloodvenom Post. These bears can be easily killed and will drop a lot of grey vendor trash. If you chose the skinning job, you can get thick leather and rugged leather from the bears you kill.

Lastly, the Eastern Plaguelands is a fantastic place to farm gold. Go to the southwest corner of the Eastern Plaguelands and head over to the Undercroft. Here, you will find Mossflayer Zombies, which are fairly easy to kill. These monsters can drop Runecloth as well as silver and is a great place for you to farm gold. You can also go to the southern part where Plaguebats are abundant. Grind here and you will have lots of gold selling vendor trash items as well as for skinning corpses of Plaguebats.

These are the top grinding spots in World of Warcraft. If you want to make a lot of gold through grinding, then you may want to go to the mentioned places in the game. Here, you will eventually get a chance to earn a lot of gold in no time at all.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Earn Plenty of Gold in an Hour

In the real world, money can make you powerful. This is also true in the World of Warcraft game. Known to be as one of the most popular MMORPG existing today, World of Warcraft brings people together in a fantasy world to socialize and play. Like in the real world, World of Warcraft is a place where gold can make you very powerful or at least your character.

With gold, you can do all sorts of things in the game. You can buy the best weapons and armors for your character, give them the best and thorough training for gaining skills, and also learn about the best jobs. Gold can also make you a very powerful player that you can really influence other players to do your bidding in the game.

If your character has a huge amount of gold, then you will be one of the best players in your realm.

As a World of Warcraft player, you know how difficult it is to earn gold. In fact, you can spend countless hours playing the game only to end up getting a small amount of gold. Now, how would you like to earn around 300 gold every hour? This may seem hard to believe at first but it is possible. In fact, you can even make more than that as you reach higher levels.

So, here are the basics on how to make plenty of gold in just over an hour.

For starters, questing is considered to be one of the best methods. By completing quests, you can get your character to earn gold. In fact, if you successfully finish a quest, you can even get weapons, armor, and other essential items that you can use in the game. When questing, you should try to put in some time grinding as well. This will allow you to get extra XP as well as extra gold, which will help you gain levels faster.

It is recommended that you complete your green and yellow quests first as they are much easier than red quests. In fact, two green and yellow quests are considered to be more worthwhile than one red quest.

The bag your character has should also be considered. If it is possible, try to get a larger bag early on in the game. With a larger bag, you will never miss out on the opportunity on picking up rare item drops. Larger bags offer more space for your items. Larger bags are especially important for people who prefer grinding. With this, your character will be able to carry more items, which means more gold in store for you.

Grinding is another great strategy to level up and earn gold. If you prefer to go grinding, it is highly recommended that you concentrate on killing humanoid mobs as these mobs drop more weapons and even gold, which is very useful for your character. They are more profitable in more ways than you can imagine.

These are some of the ways on how you can make lots of gold in just over an hour. With these tips, you can be sure that you will become one of the richest players in the World of Warcraft, which will make your character very powerful.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Guide for the Mage Class

The Secret to Making Plenty of Gold for Mage Class Characters

In World of Warcraft, you will have a chance to play different characters. Each character is unique and that you can make it even more unique by personalizing it according to your preferences. If you chose the Mage Class character in this game, then you are in for a great treat.

First of all, you have to remember that getting gold is considered to be one of the most important things that you need to do in World of Warcraft. With gold, you will get to buy the items your character needs in order to level up faster as well as complete quests easily. Gold will also enable you to go training to improve your character and learn some new skills. It can also be used to learn different kinds of professions that can get you to earn some money or even acquire rare and highly in demand items.

If you chose a Mage Class character in World of Warcraft, then you will see that your magic will enable you to get rich at a much faster rate than any other characters in World of Warcraft can.

A great ability of the Mage character is that it has the ability to lure mobs almost as much as they want. This can be highly profitable as you can kill as much mobs as you want and get the items they drop including gold. In addition to that, the Mage character can also do some area damage that no other character classes can. If used smartly, this kind of ability will be beneficial for you to make huge amounts of gold.

The Mage Class character in World of Warcraft can do Area of Effect damage. This is very effective especially if the mob is grouping up on your character. This means that you don’t have to target individual enemies. With this ability, you can do multiple damage to numerous mobs all at the same time. This is very a very powerful ability, which can eventually make you tons of gold in no time at all.

So, just where should you use this to get the maximum profit?

For Mage Class characters, you may want to try the Nagrand in the Outlands. Here, you will find Voidspawns, which drop Mote of Shadows and Motes of Fire. Stock up on these drops and you will end up getting Primal Shadow and Primal Fire. You may want to keep in mind that each Primal Shadow you get can be sold at about 30 gold or even more. In World of Warcraft, this is definitely a lot.

The Torokkar Forest around the Allerian Stronghold is also another place that you should go to if you are a Mage Class character. Here, you will want to take out two creatures, which are the Warp Stalker and the Basilisks. The Warp Stalker will give you Warped Flesh. Now, if you're smart, you should get the skinning profession as you can skin the Basilisks and get some Knothide Leather which is very valuable in the World of Warcraft. Just make sure that you get some big bags in order for you to have big room to place all the drops from your fallen enemies.

These are just some of the places where you can really make your Mage character profit. As you can see, the Mage Class character is definitely a great character where you will be able to make plenty of gold. If used properly, you will eventually earn enough gold, which can make leveling up and completing quests easier.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Guide: Earning Gold through the Skinning Profession

As a newbie in the World of Warcraft game, you should keep in mind that gold is one of the most important things that you need in order to advance in the game. Making gold is no easy task especially if you are a beginner but there are ways on how you can make gold easily and very fast if you are a newbie.

One great profession for a newbie in the World of Warcraft is the skinning profession. This can potentially get you to earn gold early on in the game, which can really help you with quests, and leveling up. Although this profession may be time consuming, you will see that if you do it right, you can eventually stock up on gold early on in the game.

Now, you have to remember that skinning will take up a lot of space in your character's bag or inventory. So, the best thing that you can do early on in the skinning profession and in the game is to invest a little time and even gold to find some bags.

You have to remember that skinning is really a gathering profession, which will occupy a lot of time on the field. You may want to go over the profession for a second in order for you to really understand the skinning profession. First off, you skin by hunting. This will take time especially if you are at the lower levels. Once you get a good skin, you can create leather by using leatherworking recipes. So, you need to clear those bags and get some food and water. You may also want to take a few potions with you as your character will be on the field for quite some time.

What's great about skinning is that you can make gold as you level up. By simply hunting and skinning animals or monsters in the game, you will be stocking up plenty of leather, which you can sell later for gold. And at the same time, because you will be killing monsters or animals in the game, you will be able to level up.

Also, there are times in the skinning profession that you will end up with knothide leather scraps. Don’t ignore this or throw it away. Instead, try to find a leatherworker that has the skills to turn these scraps in to a knothide leather pieces. For the work, you can trade or give valuable information. Always keep in mind that nothing is really free in World of Warcraft. If you want other characters to do something for you, you may need to pay for it with information, gold, or items.

With the skinning profession, try to keep your eyes open for those special leather drops, such as Clefthoof Leather. This will give you a substantial amount of money.

If used properly, the skinning profession for your character in the World of Warcraft can bring home the gold. Try to get some more information about the skinning profession. You will be surprised to find that plenty of players in the World of Warcraft will be more than happy to share information about this profession. In fact, they can even guide you on how to find rare leather finds.

Skinning is only one of the best professions that your character in World of Warcraft can do. It can get you the gold you need, and it will also help you level up while doing so.