Friday, December 30, 2011

Does Your Class in WoW Have What it Takes?

There are 10 classes in World of Warcraft and each of them is very different, bringing in a number of different strategies and tools to make gameplay more interesting. However, if you’re just getting used to a new class or are just not having a good time with an old stalwart, you need to determine what you’re doing wrong and how to develop better strategies for your situation.

• Does Your Talent Spec Do the Job – Always start by analysing your spec. Your talents might be completely out of whack or maybe just a talent or two away from being perfect. Whatever the case, make sure to rethink how you spec your talents and choose a way to build your character that matches what you’re doing with it. See wikis and your fellow player for tips on which talent specs will work best for you.

• What Kind of Rotation Are you Using – Next up, make sure you have a good shot rotation. Each character class is designed to have an ideal makeup that will allow them to deal higher damage, or heal for more or stay alive longer. Learn what it is and then learn how to adjust that rotation under duress. You want to maximize output, while keeping from running out of mana or whatever you need to perform those attacks.

• Gear and Item Check – Finally, you need to check out your gear and items. There are so many options in there to choose from, but if you have blue gear going into a raid, no wonder you’re having trouble. Check what you can afford and what is available and then max out your stats as much as possible. These are the things you need to be doing to be topped out for your class.

Every class in the game is designed to let players excel in exciting, different ways. If you don’t actually spend the time necessary to learn your class though and tweak them to the degree that is necessary for optimal play, you’ll never be able to get to those upper echelons of excellence. So, what options do you have? To start with, you can practice. Second, find other class members to help you out. Finally, get some good strategies off of forums and wikis to help you choose talents and get the right gear. Only with the right information will you ever truly succeed.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Building the Ultimate World of Warcraft Gold Strategy

I won’t pretend that this short article can provide all the strategy tips you’ll need to be the best at farming gold. But, I can provide you with some basic tips you will need to get a good gold making strategy put together. There are so many ways you spend your days sitting around making gold that you might think it is impossible to do it better. But, here are some strategies to develop that will ensure good returns each time.

• Choosing New Professions – Your professions are vital for making gold. If you don’t have the right ones, you’re wasting valuable gold making opportunities. Up to level 80, your primary professions should be chosen from mining, herbalism, and skinning. After Level 80, you can rechoose your professions and pick something like Jewelcrafting or Inscription – very popular ones for making big chunks of gold.

• Planning Your Time – Next up, stop running around hoping to find things that will make you rich. You need a good battle plan when you go out in the field each day. To do this, you need to start out by developing a routine. What will you do each day when you login. If you know for a fact that Eternals are easier to farm at 4pm when you login each day, why not get over to Wintergrasp and farm on the elementals there before you start going into instances or playing the auction house? Time things right to get the most out of your hours online.

• Getting into the Auction House – Finally, there’s the auction house. I could write books about this, but the truth is that you’ll want to spend some time figuring out what to do here on your own. Develop good strategies that will allow you to make big chunks of gold without spending hours and hours wasting opportunities. Buy the goods that will flip a good profit and sell the things that are worthless. There are a number of good auction house guides online so I’ll let you check those out, but remember how important it is.

It might seem like an extremely simple strategy, but these three things will ultimately help you play the game better one very possible level. Rather than spending hour after hour trying to perfect how you play the game, you need to spend as much time developing a strategy for what you’re doing. How can you spend less time farming and yet make more gold? Then you can focus on things that really matter, like winning PvP matches or raid battles.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Okay, So There’s Another WoW Guide…

For a long time, whenever there was a new World of Warcraft guide on the market, we’d all get very excited and run out to see what it had to offer. Then, we started to see that most of the guides were just rewrites of each other. No one was coming up with anything original. So, now when I see a new one hit the market, let’s just say I’m a little sceptical. How many ways can you tell people to not stand in the fire or ways to use Auctioneer?
As it turns out, at least one more. The newest and greatest guide to hit the market, courtesy of Alan is called WoW Mad Skills and is already driving a LOT of buzz due to its original, intricate approach to Auction House contro, ball-busting PvP strategies and the most elaborate raid walkthroughs– the kind of things that we’ve read a hundred times but never seen done this well.
What makes this guide so different than EVERY other guide on the market? To start with, it actually provides tools to help you in your endeavour. Most guides out there tell you what to do with vague descriptions, but Alan has gone out of his way to provide a step by step walkthrough of everything he does to get ahead in the game.
He’s taken it another step further and provided templates for spreadsheets, lists, charts and diagrams, the kind of stuff that even the gold gurus tend to hold on to rather than give away to anyone that asks.
So, does WoW Mad Skills deserve to join the ranks of classics like Warcraft Millionaire, the Dugi’s and Zygor’s and Warcraft Conquest that are actually valuable? In my opinion it does. It’s polished, it’s accurate, and above all else, it works. If you’re looking for the next big guru to show you how to get things done in this game, this is your opportunity.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

From Skeptic to Enthusiast – My Review of Mad WoW Skills

Let's face the facts - whether you are a casual or hardcore player, getting ahead in the World of Wacraft will not be easy - anyone remember how insanely difficult it was back in the early days of The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King? Even if you plan to spend a lot of time playing, you'll soon realize that you will not be getting anywhere fast a proper strategy or the right team setup.
This is exactly what Mad WoW Skills is going to address, and you will find that this no holds barred blueprint written by Alan Hunter, an expert authority on all things WoW and raid leader of one of the best PvE Guild in the world, reveals the blueprint to total domination for practically every aspect of the game. Incredibly comprehensive and masterfully written, Mad WoW Skills tackles every topic imaginable in its quest to get you to exactly where you want to be in the game.
Among the chapters include the basic, yet vital, need-to-know stuff, such as the raiding fundamentals every raider should know, complete class guides, detailed and comprehensive walkthroughs for every instance in the game and so much more.
To wrap up our review of Mad WoW Skills, it must be mentioned that this Guide is written to appeal to players of all skill levels, making it a wonderful change from other guides on the market that seem to be tailored solely for players who already have all the basics covered. With this guide, you will be able to learn a ton of tips and tricks that will help you cultivate the skills needed to become a top level raider, PvP, gold-making tycoon and all-round player.
PS: If you head over to the Mad WoW Skills site, you will be greeted by Alan revealing his limited introductory trial of the program for just $1. That’s right, I’m not sure if he’s lost his mind or it’s a clever marketing ploy, but for a limited time only, the lucky few who sign up for the program will get to experience everything the system has to offer for the dirt low price of just $1.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Do You Want to Join the Top Players of WoW? Read more here …

You've seen them every day in World of Warcraft – the players whose characters seem to pull off impossible feats and do everything that they are supposed to far better than anyone else around them. There are the PvP enthusiasts whose characters can charge into a mass of enemy combatants and leave the field strewn with corpses behind them, while avoiding death with almost miraculous dexterity.
There are the tanks who can keep threat when 16 wild-eyed DPSers are unloading their whole arsenal onto a boss without any thought about aggro. There are the healers who keep their raid healed to the maximum through the most desperate fights without coming close to running out of mana. There are the hunters, rogues, mages, and shamans who top the damage charts and hit like a thunderstorm.
Now, with the arrival of Mad WoW Skills – the most innovative, fresh, powerful guide that's hit the WoW scene since the release of the Cataclysm expansion – you can join these top players, and maybe even beat them at their own game!
Are you interested? You should be, because this is your opportunity to seize the chance to become one of the highest rated players of your server, a terror on the battlefield and a bulwark in the dungeon. This freshly released guide contains the secrets that are “hidden in plain sight”, which will put you ahead of most other people in World of Warcraft, increasing your enjoyment of the game hugely!
How, you might ask, can one guide make such a huge difference in how your character performs in game? How can one collection of information, however well written, free your character from the mediocrity that burdens 95% of the toons in the game, and let you rocket into the top 5% in record time. Read on, and you will discover just how powerful, effective, and useful the Mad WoW Skills system really is – and how you can't afford to overlook the opportunity to get in on this guide NOW, and rise above being a speed bump for enemy PvP characters or the guy who is near the bottom of the charts on every raid group!
Mad WoW Skills gathers all the best strategies into one clear, value-laden package that spares you wading through endless reams of wacky, outdated, or just plain poor macros, and cuts to the chase – giving you everything you would need to know to turn your character into the hero you want them to be. There are tools here for every class and every spec, all tested to the utmost to make sure they deliver what you want and need – triumph in the most deadly dungeons and the most competitive arenas to be found in Azeroth today!
And here’s the best part. For a very limited time only, Alan Hunter the reclusive pro-gamer behind the system has decided to give out the entire package for an introductory $1 trial within the first 7 days of registering. Get in on this once in a lifetime deal before he decides to close the doors on the system that has helped over 10,000 players worldwide, and counting!

The Secret 7 Tips To Get Ahead In The World of Warcraft.

For those of you who are new to the World of Warcraft experience, the game can be very daunting and complex at first. The key thing to remember is this. Everyone started as a beginner once, so don’t feel discouraged if you feel underwhelmed or outplayed by every single player you meet in your leveling efforts from level 1 to 85.
Here are a few golden tips that will ease your leveling experience and the best guide out there with the most comprehensive and current strategies on the game.
#1. Make sure you autoloot everything you see as the grey items which look like they won't benefit you but you can always sell to make some gold by selling them to the vendor. An easy way to autoloot everything is to go into your WoW settings and check the box that says "Turn on autoloot". That way you can just right click and it will automatically pick up everything at once.
#2. Whenever you are in a new town or area pick up all the quests that you possibly can and do them all at once instead of trying to do them one at a time. This will help you out so much and will make leveling a lot faster.
#3. Get used to doing instances. By the time you hit level 60 you will want to already be good at getting groups together for all the 5 man instances. Best time to start on your grouping skills is ASAP. Lowbie instances can be fun and give you some practice that you would need.
#4. Take the time to know your class inside out. This may seem like a no-brainer but more often than not most people ignore this basic fact. You are advised to take the time to research and fully understand your class at a very early stage. This is especially true on a PvP server.
#5. Make friends in-game as soon as possible. It is always more fun to do group stuff with friends and then you won't have to worry about people ninja looting items from bosses in instances. This can be dangerous to some as well since it makes you want to play more often and can sometimes lead to World of Warcraft addiction.
#6. Get two gathering professions at the beginning. That way you can sell items such as copper ore, etc. and make tons of gold that will help you along the way through your leveling and so you will always have enough gold to learn new spells/abilities as well as your mount.
#7. Get familiarized with WoW addons and macros. These will ultimately help save you tons of time and with doing repetative tasks. Also when you hit level 70 you will have to have some macros for raiding. It just makes great sense to use them and know how to use them ASAP.
Last but not least, if you want to get ahead in the game and master everything in the fastest time, guaranteed, make sure you take a look at Mad WoW Skills, the latest and greatest WoW guide in the market right now.
Written by the legendary underground gamer Alan Hunter, he has made the controversial move to release the guide at a mind-numbingly cheap $1 free trial offer. You read that right. For a limited time only, Alan is giving out his Mad WoW Skills blueprint, virtually free, to the first 2000 people to sign up. Give it a test drive today and remember that your investment is secured for the first 7 days, during which you can choose to seek a refund of your one dollar should you feel that the content and information is not up to snuff.

Learning How to Become an Elite WoW Gamer

If you play or are planning on playing World of Warcraft and doing well, it's time to take a minute to gain some much needed knowledge of the game. Players new to the game could do much worse than giving Mad WoW Skills a glance right now.
Mad WoW Skills is a simple, no-nonsense approach to showing you simple ways to be a better World of Warcraft Gamer. It’s a manual that readers will find useful from start to finish.
Mad WoW Skills will let you in on all the secrets of achieving an overall better score. For starters, you can't begin to play before you know the basics. Knowing what equipment will be needed for your game is the first step to perfection. Then you need to know how to use it. The fundamentals of the game must first be learned in order to be a great World of Warcraft Gamer.
One of the first topics discussed in Mad WoW Skills is what servers to choose ... races, classes, professions and more. Without getting this right, it is more difficult to attain your goals and play from start to finish.
Also widely discussed in this revolutionary system is commom problems and common mistakes. If we know what the most common mistakes are in the game, we can take steps to correct those mistakes and extend that pride throughout our game.
Common obstacles are also tackled Mad WoW Skills Because World of Warcraft is such a complicated – yet easy – game, you may find yourself in some situations that seem impossible to get out of. They can be frustrating and can add to you not progressing. The Mad WoW Skills system covers some of the troubles encountered and ways that you can approach them.
Lastly, Mad WoW Skills provides valuable tips to gain the skills needed for the ultimate World of Warcraft experience.
Initially priced at an attractive $17 a month, Alan Hunter is currently offering Mad WoW Skills at grand introductory offer of only $1 dollar, offering readers a chance to see what the hype is all about before actually going through with purchasing the whole product. Readers can also enjoy a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee whenever they sign up for the Mad WoW Skills experience.
Buyers will be taken to a special members area where they can take a look at the dozens of videos and finely written tutorials on all aspects of the game imaginable. Sign up now at their website to see what the huge deal is and why so many people are hopping on the Mad WoW Skills bandwagon now before the $1 offer is taken down for good. You have been warned!

Three Simple Tips To Making Money In The Auction House.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of WoW is in its economy and the dealings of the Auction House. Gold, its primary currency is serious business to many players and a lot of them spend their time increasing their back accounts, treating it as a game in itself.But the real secret to successfully making gold lies in the Auction House, an in-game location where players buy and sell in-game items for a profit.Getting the best items requires a great deal of time investment for most, but there are great ways to get World of Warcraft gold without spending countless hours killing monsters. These three tips will allow anyone to amass a small fortune in the game.Gathering For A Rainy DayThe 3 main gathering professions – skinning, mining and herbalism – can be pretty lucrative if done properly. Because many players tend not to take the time to gather their own materials, one can actually make a small career of being a raw material provider for other players. Even for those who dislike playing the Auction House, these materials can still fetch a good price at the trash vendors stationed throughout the game. Of course, to really make the most out of this enterprise, one must...Buy Low and Sell Relatively HighI would recommend approaching the AH like you would the stock market. The key thing to remember is that every purchase does necessarily mean that you want it. If you come across an item for sale at a bargain, make sure you snatch it up and resell it at a higher price.World of Warcraft gold is fairly easy to make, but not so easy that most will not look for a good deal. Do not be greedy and try to price your items somewhere the lowest price and the middle, and you will find that your items will be sold fairly fast, especially if they are raw materials..Learn to SaveMake sure you never overspend until you get exactly where you want to be financially. Don’t spend unnecessarily on vanity pets, cosmetic items or even crafting until you get what you really want. The WoW economy is much akin to real life, and it’s really easy to spend on things that you don’t really require. It helps to make goals and stick to them until they are finally attained.Playing the market, harvesting, and ignoring frivolous purchases can help any World of Warcraft player accumulate more gold than others. Once you have reached your goal - congratulations! Buy that motorcycle or epic dragon mount you've been saving for. You can always replenish your supplies by continuing to follow the same three steps.If you are on the lookout for a WoW guide that can help you make all the gold you want, you could do a lot worse than the WoW Colloseum’s Gold Tycoon Modules. Check it out here

The WoW Colosseum Review – Is The WoW Colosseum a Scam?

Is The WoW Colosseum a gimmick? The program continues to be produced to reveal most of the secrets behind the overall game of Wow, helping battling gamers to maximize the potential for their figures. By searching at how many of these Wow gamers play, it’s obvious that many of them are wasting far a lot of time doing non-productive stuff that are not so useful in the overall game.
1. What’s this The WoW Colosseum System About?
With this particular course, its creator has produced something he calls the be-all and end-all of all WoW guides, helping gamers learn to play their class correctly, steps to make gold rapidly, together with raid and PvP methods. After explaining all of the concepts behind his methods,he proceeds to reveal how to handle all of the methods in step-by-step detail through top quality video lessons.
2. What Are a few of Aspects and Abilities Revealed within the The WoW Colosseum Program?
From things i see, this informative guide has covered all the facets of the overall game, something which very few game guides provide in a single package. You will find some videos that demonstrate people many abilities like using treasures to level more rapidly, knowing your character’s role correctly and making the most of it, using race and sophistication combination’s in addition to crowd control etc. All of the methods are created to be cover the facets of the overall game that become important you achieve level 85 and beyond. Jason then continues to discuss getting the most from PVP methods, gold making tips in the ah as well as farming for gold.
3. Who is The Creator of The WoW Colosseum and Why Should I Listen To Him ?
The creative force behind The WoW Colosseum is none other than Jason Devlin. Many gamers in the WoW community might have already heard of him, or at the very least, his exploits which have garnered much attention throughout the years.He has invested considerable time into the game, and it shines through in his brilliantly written articles and tutorials. He has since gone on to try different strategies and has made many discoveries, changing the way we play the game forever.So there you have it. I really do feel that The WoW Colosseum has done more than enough to distinguish itself from the slew of crappy guides that have been flooding the marketplace in recent memory.If you want to experience The WoW Colosseum first-hand, click on the link below to visit their site.