Friday, March 30, 2012

Why You Need Gold and How to Get Gold in World of Warcraft

Like in the real world, World of Warcraft is a place where money is everything. As an avid player of World of Warcraft, you may have realized by now that gold is essential for your character to have. This game is not just about leveling up or killing monsters or making new friends, but it is also about making money for your character to use.

In World of Warcraft, gold is very important because you will use it for almost anything in the game. For training your character, you need gold to pay for training fee. You also need gold to learn new skills for your character. Gold is also needed in the game in order for you to buy items that will make your character stronger and tougher, such as buying weapons that do more damage, or armor that provides better defense.

Gold will basically make your character level up faster and also help get you buffs which will make your character stronger.

So, just how can you get a hold of gold on World of Warcraft easily?

Well, there are basically lots of strategies, which can get you the gold you need faster and more efficiently.

For starters, try to get your profession as early as possible in the game. It is highly recommended that you should start with the gathering profession. By having a profession early on, you will have a huge advantage as you will be able to level up your profession as well as you level up your character. For the gathering profession, it is highly recommended that you go for mining or skinning. Herbalism is also profitable. The great thing about the gathering profession is that it will not cost you gold in order to level up. And, you will be able to sell the things you gathered for gold, which will supply you with a steady income.

Unlike other MMORPG, World of Warcraft offers plenty of rewards for completing quests. By completing quests in World of Warcraft, you will be able to earn EXP as well as gold. You will also get a chance to get your hands on rare items as a reward for doing and completing the quests, which you can sell on Auction House or use for making your character stronger.

The great thing about doing quests is that it can give you EXP which will make your character level up and at the same time, get you to make gold. Whenever you enter a new zone, grab as much quests as you can. Many will only take a few minutes to complete and it offers great rewards.

In World of Warcraft, making gold is not really a problem. In most cases, the problem lies with the spending spree that most players do whenever they want something. If your character is only between levels 1 to 40, you don’t need to buy any gears. Questing will provide you with all the gears you need if your character is only low level. You should also avoid buying enchanting for your items. If you can make it yourself, then do it. If not, try asking high leveled players to enchant your items for you. They can do it for free or at a much lower price.

These are some of the things that you can do in order to make gold in World of Warcraft. As you can see, making gold in this game is not that hard to do. All you need is a little patience and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tips That Can Help You Make Gold in the World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular online games today. With millions of people playing from all over the world, you will see that World of Warcraft is really a large online community bringing people from all over the world closer together.

In this game, gold is one of the most important things that a player should have. With gold, your character can buy the item it needs in order to become stronger, such as weapons that do more damage and armor that provides more defense. Gold is also needed to train your character to acquire new skills, which is essential in the game.

Now, a lot of new players and even veterans in the game find that it is hard to earn gold in World of Warcraft and often time consuming. But, it's really not that hard to do so and you can even earn hundreds of gold per hour.

One technique is through grinding or killing mobs or monsters in the game. Monsters drop certain items and even gold. The items can be sold in the Auction House, traded directly with a player, or it can also be sold to the NPC.

Early on in the game, try to do some grinding especially humanoid mobs as these types of mobs offer good drops and also has a high drop rate of gold.

Doing and completing quests is also very important in the game. If you are a beginner, try to do green or yellow quests as it are much easier than doing harder red quests. It can earn you gold and even obtain rare and sought after items which you can sell at the Auction House. In addition to that, you will also get EXP which will level up your character.

Get an Arcanite bar. It's cheaper now but the timer on transmute has been removed. Use this to your advantage as it can really increase the amount of gold you make in the game.

Also, don’t forget to get a larger bag especially if you are grinding. With a larger bag with a bigger capacity, you can pick up more dropped items which will maximize your time and also the amount of gold you make per grinding session.

If the spot you grind on is quite far from the town or your home base, then you should get a flying mount. It's worth the investment as you will be able to travel a lot faster than going on foot. This will maximize your playing time and really earn more gold a lot faster and much more efficiently. It can also help you complete quests faster.

When you get your hands on rare items that are in high demand but you don’t know how much you should sell it, go to the Auction House. Here, you will have an idea on how much your item is worth. Never ever sell rare items on NPCs as it sells a lot cheaper here than in the Auction House. If you don’t know what items are in demand and what pure junk is, try to visit the Auction House. Here, you will find other people hawking rare items and is also a great chance for you to learn the ropes of the game.

These are just some of the many ways on how you can hit it big and get rich in the game. As you can see, making gold in World of Warcraft is not that hard to do. All you need is a little patience and you can be sure that you will eventually get more gold every time you play World of Warcraft.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Ultimate Guide for Getting Gold in the World of Warcraft

In the game World of Warcraft, having plenty of gold is very important. With it, you can buy the items your character needs in order to get stronger, which will help you finish quests and level up faster.

Basically, gold is the most powerful currency in the World of Warcraft. With gold, you can buy items from vendors. Also, you can use it to pay for your character's training. You should also keep in mind that gold is needed in order to learn new skills. In the World of Warcraft, gold is essential in order to perfect your character. So, here are some tips that will help you farm gold in World of Warcraft.

The first is by getting a profession early on in the game. This will enable you to level up your profession easily and gain its benefits. For new players, the professions that are highly recommended is mining and skinning. These two are the most profitable professions for new players in the World of Warcraft.

The mining profession will enable your character to mine for minerals and ores or even gold itself in caves. Although you may come across tin and copper very often when you go mining, you will see that you may come across rare minerals that are in high demand by other players, which can be highly profitable in your part.

Skinning is another great profession for low level players in the World of Warcraft. Through skinning, you will be able to skin animals and other creatures you kill in the World of Warcraft. The leather you get from skinning can be sold to vendors, which can be profitable. What's more is that you will be able to level up while you do your profession as you are killing animals and other creatures.

Going on quests early on in the game can really help you with getting gold. By going on quests, you will come across plenty of creatures and mobs that can drop special items when you kill them. In addition to that, you will also level up your profession as you go. Completing quests also has its rewards, such as getting additional EXP and also getting nice items and even gold. Going on and completing quests is a great way to level up faster and get richer at the same time.

You should remember that World of Warcraft gears can be very expensive. In fact, the gears here can even be much more expensive than training. When you are between levels 1 to 40, you shouldn’t try buying expensive gears as low level players are not really dependent on gears. Completing the quests for low level players will be able to provide you with everything you need and this strategy will enable you to save gold to buy higher level gears

When fighting mobs, you have to keep in mind that certain mob types drop better stuff than other mob types. For instance, humanoid mobs tend to drop more gold and items than any other creatures in the game. So, if you are a low level player, try to kill as much humanoids as you can.

These are some of the gold making strategies in the World of Warcraft. As you can see, making gold is not really that hard even if you are new to the game. Just follow this guide and you can be sure that you will be well on your way in getting your character the gold it needs to achieve the perfection you seek.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Most Effective Way to Make World of Warcraft Gold for Your Character

As a World of Warcraft gamer, you know that the gold is one of the most important commodities that you need. It is used to buy various items in the game, such as weapons and armor. Without gold, your character in the game will be considered worthless and you will also find it difficult to complete quests and level up.

So, just what is the best kept secret to make gold in World of Warcraft?

First of all, buying gold for cash isn't the answer. Although this may be a fast way to make gold in the game, it will also require you to spend real cash for it.

The best method that you will ever find to really earn gold for your character in World of Warcraft is by buying and selling items. Try to buy and sell items in the auction house and you will find it highly profitable. Just keep in mind that you do need to do a little research in order for you to know what's in demand in the market.

Becoming an auctioneer in World of Warcraft is pretty much like becoming a stock broker. The rule that you want to keep in mind is buy low and sell high. This will really provide your character with a huge profit margin and even average of earning 500 gold an hour. Now, that's quite a lot compared to other professions that your character can take up in the game.

Buying items at a low price and reselling them for profit is the best method that you can ever do in order for you to build up your gold inventory fast.

For this to work, researching is very important. Try to find out what items are selling quick and also for what price.

When you see what people are desperate to buy, you need to get that item at the lowest price that you can get. Then, sell it for profit. This technique is very effective as players who want the item so bad will not even research the price and will eventually pay whatever you ask. So, you can potentially sell the item for an arm and leg.

So, there are basically three steps to earn money as an auctioneer. First, you need to research what's selling and for how much, then you need to buy it at a low price. If the item is again on high demand, you can easily sell them for profit. In fact, you can even sell some items for a hundred percent profit.

You don’t need to get your character to learn any special skills in order to buy and sell items in the game. All you need to know is to learn the law of supply and demand. This works very well in real life and you will be surprised that the same rule applies in World of Warcraft. If you do it right and really become a marketing savvy in the game, then you will earn lots of gold for your character.

This is by far the best way to earn gold in World of Warcraft without buying gold for cash. In fact, if you master this method, you can even make a profit in real life by selling your character's gold for real cash.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Dangers of Buying World of Warcraft Gold with Real Cash

At first, it may sound like a good idea to buy World of Warcraft gold for real cash. Besides, with just a few bucks, you can obtain that much needed gold that can help your character buy the items it needs in order to become stronger, which will enable you to get your character to complete quests easily and also level up faster.

However, buying gold for cash in World of Warcraft is not recommended. Why?

Well, there are many dangers. For instance, you may end up buying gold that came from a hacked account. Blizzard has a very good system for tracking illegal transactions. This means that Blizzard will know if you bought gold that came from a stolen account. This can result in getting your account closed.

Also, some irreputable websites that sell World of Warcraft gold can install spyware and keylogger into your computer without you knowing about it. This can lead to getting your account hacked by the very people you purchased your gold from.

Keyloggers are basically malicious Trojan viruses that can record every key you type in your keyboard and send it to its developer. This can mean that you will be giving away valuable information, such as your user name and password on your World of Warcraft account, as well as your financial or credit card information that you need to use in order to purchase gold or credits in the World of Warcraft.

You can only imagine how this can create chaos in your life as well as on your World of Warcraft account. The hackers can use your account to farm gold and sell it, and they can even steal gold from your character as well as items.

Another risk of buying gold for your World of Warcraft character is that you may never even receive the gold you paid for. This happens very often. Just think about it. Most of the owners of the accounts you deal with are overseas. This means that it is not hard for these scammers to scam you out of your money.

If you get busted by the game bots in World of Warcraft by doing illegal transactions, your account may be suspended. This can mean losing a lot of your hard work in the game, and also lose a lot of money that you invested on the game.

Buying gold with real cash may be an easy way for you to get rich in the World of Warcraft, but it is often dangerous. Instead of buying gold with your cash, try to use your cash to buy guides instead. This can really help you out on how you can earn gold playing the game effectively.

With this, there will be no danger of getting your account suspended and you will also not be in danger in getting your account hacked or be a victim of identity theft.

There are no shortcuts in World of Warcraft, only good strategy. Seek the help of advanced players or you can buy guides to help you out in the game. This is a great strategy that can be worth your while.

So, if you think that buying gold can make your character in World of Warcraft an instant millionaire, you may want to think again.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mining: A Great Way to Earn Gold in World of Warcraft

As a World of Warcraft gamer, we all know that gold is very important. It is basically the currency in this virtual world of gamers. With gold, you can purchase items that will eventually make your character stronger and level up faster.

In World of Warcraft, you will find a lot of ways to earn gold for your character. As a newbie, you may want to take up the mining profession as this profession has the potential in making you lots of gold in the game. Mining is fun and also one of the easiest ways to make gold.

At first, mining may not seem profitable as you may only find anything of value outside of copper and tin. Don’t give up just yet as these materials can be sold to craftsmen in the game, which they need in order to fabricate items. Although you really can't get much for these items, you have to consider that you can't really expect to strike it rich, especially if you are a beginner. It takes time and patience in order for you to earn gold.

When you reach higher levels in the game, this is when the real mining begins. Not only that you will be able to mine for various valuable ores and materials, but you can also potentially mine directly for gold itself. Mining gold in World of Warcraft is one of the best ways to pass the time if you are not leveling up. However, the key here is not really the time you put in mining, but knowing where to look for gold.

If you find the right place to mine for gold, you can eventually strike it rich in the World of Warcraft.

If you want to find gold through mining, the best place to look for it or to mine for it is in the Arathi Highlands – Badlands. These places are known to give a lot of players luck in mining for gold. Gold here is plentiful and it can even allow the inexperienced miner to strike a few ore in just an hour. With a little luck, you can find a nice quantity of gold during your trip here.

Mining for gold is one of the best ways to make gold for your character in World of Warcraft. Aside from that, you can find tons of minerals and ores that can sell for quite a sum of gold in the auction house.

Always keep in mind that you shouldn’t expect to get gold during your first few levels. If you get stronger and once your character can handle stronger monsters, you can visit the Arathi Highlands – Badlands in quest for gold.

So, have your character become a miner as a profession in World of Warcraft. It's fun, profitable and it's easy. With any luck, you can even earn enough gold that you can even make a profit out of it in the real world. You will see that there are plenty of World of Warcraft players who want to make easy gold in the game by purchasing gold with real cash.

Gold is an essential commodity in World of Warcraft. By mining for it, you will eventually strike it rich especially if you are at a higher level.