Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A number of Gold Farming Spots You Should Know in World of Warcraft

A number of Gold Farming Spots You Should Know in World of Warcraft

Do you know long it takes most people to get 20, 000 golds in World of Warcraft? A long time! Many people dedicate their lives to try and earn that gold in order to level up. Farming gold may be the first choose. However , there are many gold farming spots in World of Warcraft. Some are good and some aren't. It is hard to find a good spot because they are either occupied all the time or they are simply not that valuable. Which is the good spot that can farm plenty wow gold? Here are several good ideas for you, which maybe helpfulto you.

1 . Azshara

Azshara is one of the more popular wow gold farming spots. There are a few different approaches you can take here, you can start out with the Massive Timbermaws, then reach the Blood Elves, Blood Elves will drop Runecloth once they are killed, and there is always a market for Runecloth. Runedoth can be collected and sold at the auction house.

2 . Stratholme

Stratholme is a five-man instance which is dependent on the ability of the group, can usually be run in 40 minutes to an hour. The keys to success in running the Stratholme instance are skills, experience, solid tactics, and great communication amongst your group. I've found it very easy to make a lot of gold from disenchanted items in this particular instance, making it one of the better World of Warcraft gold farming spots.

3. Stranglethorn Vale

In Stranglethorn Vale there is a spot called Crystalvein Mine where you can farm Ironjaw Basiliks. To locate this region, head east from the Gurubashi Arena. Once you have reached the spot, you will come across a good number of Ironjaw Basilisks. Ironjaw Basiliks will drop vendor trash items which you can collect and sell for significant amount of gold. You can also grind their corpses for thick leather and heavy leather.

4. Un'Goro Crater

One of the best wow gold farming spots is Un'Goro Crater. However to make it a good farming spot, you need to have at least mining as one of your professions. I say this because there's a lot of Thorium ore in this area. This mineral sells for nice money, because it's needed in quite high quantities to skill up jewelcrafting, blacksmithing and engineering.

5. Scholomance

Another good wow gold farming spots is in Scholomance. Many players haven't even been there before. However , since it's an instance and the creatures inside are elite, you need at least a 70 character. The mobs inside drop plenty of Runecloth, they have big chances to drop Pristine Black Diamonds needed for "The Insane", green items and other valuable stuff. There is a type of ghosts that you need to focus on inside Scholomance. The Spectral Researchers. They drop lifestealing enchanting formula which can be sold for nice gold.

6. Wintergrasp

Wintergrasp is an area which is known as PvP zone, but it's also a great place to go to when you're trying to get quick gold. There are many spots all over the zone with different elemental eternals that are clustered close together. Search the auction house for the elementals that are selling for the most gold.

7. Onslaught Harbor

Onslaught Harbor is one of the Northrend gold farming spots that I prefer because I'm a tailor. There are many humanoid mobs here that drop Frostweave Cloth, they have low HP and a high respawn rate. So I can get a lot more cloth scraps. However , you'd better keep an eye out because this is a daily quest zone and you can get attacked by an enemy player that comes for here to complete those quests. Also, there are a few daily quests on these mobs and you can make a few extra bucks if you complete them.

These areas are effective in how to make gold in the world of warcraft. You want to more knowledge about how to choose good farming gold spots? Come to igamei. com and you will find what you want.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Creating Guide

World of Warcraft Gold Creating Guide

It can take a long time for World of Warcraft newbies to build up any amount of gold let alone a substantial amount. I started to look for ways to increase my gold amount in less amount of time. I came across a few World of Warcraft gold creating guides to learn some new tactics. One, in particular, speeded up the process of earning gold for me in a straight-forward manner.

I recently bought a World of Warcraft guide to make more gold. I wanted to talk a little about it as I was impressed with it overall. Now, I've known about these guides as well as buying gold for awhile now. As everyone who plays the game knows, there is nothing but spam concerning these gold sellers. I can't stand them and I report them all the time. This is also illegal so I wanted to know where and how I could make more gold faster, legally, and without being scammed.

I believe I found the answer to my problem. I found a quality world of warcraft guide that showed me in a no-nonsense way how to make a lot more gold legally. There are really only 2 or 3 gold guides out there that are worth the time and money to invest in, but I think this one is the best.

I didn't know what to make of it at first since it was written so simply, except that maybe it was another scam. But I had to stop judging it by its cover and dug into it. There is a lot of information contained within it and once I started reading, I knew this guide was on to something. As a veteran Warcraft player, I knew right away that these strategies would work. Some of these were so simple that I did the ol' Homer Simpson hand slap to my head... "Doh! ". How did I ever miss that? It was 'not-so-common' common sense.

Seeing things like this, I loved it and knew I already had my money's worth and I was not even 25% of the way through it. I had to keep reading and there is so much stuff that I couldnt get through it all in one night. I use it as a reference for gold making tips now. Once I started using its tips and strategies, I immediately added 50 gold to my coffers in less than 2 hours. The world of warcraft guide I use advertises 100 gold per hour but that is just relatively speaking. Some of these techniques bring in more and some bring in less gold than that.

Some of the ways to make gold are simple and some are much more involved so the timeframe varies according to how you want to make your money. The main point for me is that, you do make money. I was also given some very nice, useful bonuses too, including an Auctioneering and Fishing guide. I always wanted to know more about auction house cash too and this guide laid it all out for me.

I really like this guide. The author is a regular player for one. The guide also opens up your mind to other possibilities which aren't even included. A book that makes you think... hmmmm. The author lends support, an affiliate program, and updates for life. In addition , it is useable by all levels 1-70 and is constantly updated to include Burning Crusade strategies. The $37 I spent for this guide was money well spent and I can now make my own gold quicker anytime I want to. I have to say "Thanks" to the author for putting this out.

Click here for more information

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

World of Warcraft Quick Gold Startegy for Newbie Players

In the game of World of Warcraft, every player knows that gold is very important in the game. With a lot of it, you can buy the items that you need to make your character stronger, which is essential to complete quests as well as leveling up. Gold is also used in the game to pay for your character's training and to learn new skills.

If you are new to the game, then you may find it difficult to earn gold. However, there are ways on how you can make gold quickly and easily even if you have a low level character.

As a newbie in the game, you will see that asking for gold can be a very effective strategy. World of Warcraft is a very popular game where millions of people play it from all over the world. Think about it, with the number of players in World of Warcraft, there are bound to be a few generous people in the crowd who are willing to spare some of their money to newbie players like you.

Try to ask high level guild members for money. You will see that most of them will be happy to give you some. In fact, some new players are so lucky that they don’t even have to ask for it, especially if the high leveled player is in a good mood.

Although this method can be embarrassing, it is very effective. After all, it's only a game and there's really no harm asking for some gold in the game. If you are willing to drop your pride and dignity just to acquire some gold, this technique will definitely pay off.

However, you need to remember that simply asking for gold is not good enough in order for your character to become rich in the game. Another method to acquire gold is to go on quests early on in the game. This will definitely get you the gold you need. As a new player with a low level character, you will see that your character will not be too dependent on gears. Instead of spending all of your hard earned gold in newbie gears, try to save it for later for high level gears.

Grinding is another great strategy to get gold for newbie players. Kill as much mob as you can especially humanoid mobs. They provide good item drops and even drop gold. You should do this as you go on your quest as it will not only make you rich, but it will also help you gain EXP which will get your character to level up.

These are just some of the many strategies that you can do in order for you to make gold in World of Warcraft. There are hundreds of strategies that you can do, such as take on jobs and play the Auction House.

Early on in the game, try begging for money from high leveled players, especially those who are members of guilds. Most of them will be more than happy to give you some gold to help you start playing the game. Some will even give you rare items that you can sell on the Auction House.

With these strategies, you can be sure that you will be able to make a lot of gold even if you are a newbie.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

World of Warcraft Hot Spots for Gold Farming

In World of Warcraft, gold is everything. You need it to buy items, you need it to learn new skills, and you also need it to level up certain professions. Farming gold in World of Warcraft can be very effective. But, it can really get old rather quickly. However, you will find that there are still a few hot spots in the game which will let you pick up massive amounts of gold and at the same time add more EXP to level up your character.

So, here are 6 of the best World of Warcraft gold farming spots which will let you save a lot of time and make more money for your character.

The first is Azshara. This is one of the most popular World of Warcraft gold farming spots. If you are new to the game and to this particular spot in the game, it is highly recommended that you start heading north mid area first. Here, you will be able to start farming by killing Massive Timbermaws. Next, head east in order to reach the Blood Elves. Blood Elves will drop Runecloth, which are very valuable and can really make you a lot of gold. Here, you will also have a chance to grind on Legashi Demons, which will drop blues, greens and even epics.

The second is Westfall. At the western shore of Westfall, you will find an outpost of Defias Trappers, which is a good gold farming spot for both low and high level players. These monsters have about 35 percent drop rate for linen cloth, which is also valuable and can sell for gold.

The third spot is Stratholme. If you are with a group of five players, then this place is for you. It can usually be run in less than an hour. This spot is recommended for gold farming for advanced players and players with the necessary skills and experience. Good communication is also important as well as solid tactics. This is a great place to make a lot of gold from disenchanted items.

The fourth is the Stranglethorn Vale. Here, go to the cave called Crystalvein Mine. Inside the mine, head to the east from the Gurubashi Arena. Here, you will find plenty of Ironjaw Basilisks, which can drop vendor trash items which you can sell for a significant amount of gold. Try grinding corpses here as you can get thick leather and heavy leather which is also valuable.

The fifth place to farm gold is Felwood. Here, you will find plenty of Angerclaw Mauler bears. A good spot for this creature is located northeast from the Bloodvenom Post. These bears can be easily killed and will drop a lot of grey vendor trash. If you chose the skinning job, you can get thick leather and rugged leather from the bears you kill.

Lastly, the Eastern Plaguelands is a fantastic place to farm gold. Go to the southwest corner of the Eastern Plaguelands and head over to the Undercroft. Here, you will find Mossflayer Zombies, which are fairly easy to kill. These monsters can drop Runecloth as well as silver and is a great place for you to farm gold. You can also go to the southern part where Plaguebats are abundant. Grind here and you will have lots of gold selling vendor trash items as well as for skinning corpses of Plaguebats.

These are the top grinding spots in World of Warcraft. If you want to make a lot of gold through grinding, then you may want to go to the mentioned places in the game. Here, you will eventually get a chance to earn a lot of gold in no time at all.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Earn Plenty of Gold in an Hour

In the real world, money can make you powerful. This is also true in the World of Warcraft game. Known to be as one of the most popular MMORPG existing today, World of Warcraft brings people together in a fantasy world to socialize and play. Like in the real world, World of Warcraft is a place where gold can make you very powerful or at least your character.

With gold, you can do all sorts of things in the game. You can buy the best weapons and armors for your character, give them the best and thorough training for gaining skills, and also learn about the best jobs. Gold can also make you a very powerful player that you can really influence other players to do your bidding in the game.

If your character has a huge amount of gold, then you will be one of the best players in your realm.

As a World of Warcraft player, you know how difficult it is to earn gold. In fact, you can spend countless hours playing the game only to end up getting a small amount of gold. Now, how would you like to earn around 300 gold every hour? This may seem hard to believe at first but it is possible. In fact, you can even make more than that as you reach higher levels.

So, here are the basics on how to make plenty of gold in just over an hour.

For starters, questing is considered to be one of the best methods. By completing quests, you can get your character to earn gold. In fact, if you successfully finish a quest, you can even get weapons, armor, and other essential items that you can use in the game. When questing, you should try to put in some time grinding as well. This will allow you to get extra XP as well as extra gold, which will help you gain levels faster.

It is recommended that you complete your green and yellow quests first as they are much easier than red quests. In fact, two green and yellow quests are considered to be more worthwhile than one red quest.

The bag your character has should also be considered. If it is possible, try to get a larger bag early on in the game. With a larger bag, you will never miss out on the opportunity on picking up rare item drops. Larger bags offer more space for your items. Larger bags are especially important for people who prefer grinding. With this, your character will be able to carry more items, which means more gold in store for you.

Grinding is another great strategy to level up and earn gold. If you prefer to go grinding, it is highly recommended that you concentrate on killing humanoid mobs as these mobs drop more weapons and even gold, which is very useful for your character. They are more profitable in more ways than you can imagine.

These are some of the ways on how you can make lots of gold in just over an hour. With these tips, you can be sure that you will become one of the richest players in the World of Warcraft, which will make your character very powerful.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Guide for the Mage Class

The Secret to Making Plenty of Gold for Mage Class Characters

In World of Warcraft, you will have a chance to play different characters. Each character is unique and that you can make it even more unique by personalizing it according to your preferences. If you chose the Mage Class character in this game, then you are in for a great treat.

First of all, you have to remember that getting gold is considered to be one of the most important things that you need to do in World of Warcraft. With gold, you will get to buy the items your character needs in order to level up faster as well as complete quests easily. Gold will also enable you to go training to improve your character and learn some new skills. It can also be used to learn different kinds of professions that can get you to earn some money or even acquire rare and highly in demand items.

If you chose a Mage Class character in World of Warcraft, then you will see that your magic will enable you to get rich at a much faster rate than any other characters in World of Warcraft can.

A great ability of the Mage character is that it has the ability to lure mobs almost as much as they want. This can be highly profitable as you can kill as much mobs as you want and get the items they drop including gold. In addition to that, the Mage character can also do some area damage that no other character classes can. If used smartly, this kind of ability will be beneficial for you to make huge amounts of gold.

The Mage Class character in World of Warcraft can do Area of Effect damage. This is very effective especially if the mob is grouping up on your character. This means that you don’t have to target individual enemies. With this ability, you can do multiple damage to numerous mobs all at the same time. This is very a very powerful ability, which can eventually make you tons of gold in no time at all.

So, just where should you use this to get the maximum profit?

For Mage Class characters, you may want to try the Nagrand in the Outlands. Here, you will find Voidspawns, which drop Mote of Shadows and Motes of Fire. Stock up on these drops and you will end up getting Primal Shadow and Primal Fire. You may want to keep in mind that each Primal Shadow you get can be sold at about 30 gold or even more. In World of Warcraft, this is definitely a lot.

The Torokkar Forest around the Allerian Stronghold is also another place that you should go to if you are a Mage Class character. Here, you will want to take out two creatures, which are the Warp Stalker and the Basilisks. The Warp Stalker will give you Warped Flesh. Now, if you're smart, you should get the skinning profession as you can skin the Basilisks and get some Knothide Leather which is very valuable in the World of Warcraft. Just make sure that you get some big bags in order for you to have big room to place all the drops from your fallen enemies.

These are just some of the places where you can really make your Mage character profit. As you can see, the Mage Class character is definitely a great character where you will be able to make plenty of gold. If used properly, you will eventually earn enough gold, which can make leveling up and completing quests easier.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Guide: Earning Gold through the Skinning Profession

As a newbie in the World of Warcraft game, you should keep in mind that gold is one of the most important things that you need in order to advance in the game. Making gold is no easy task especially if you are a beginner but there are ways on how you can make gold easily and very fast if you are a newbie.

One great profession for a newbie in the World of Warcraft is the skinning profession. This can potentially get you to earn gold early on in the game, which can really help you with quests, and leveling up. Although this profession may be time consuming, you will see that if you do it right, you can eventually stock up on gold early on in the game.

Now, you have to remember that skinning will take up a lot of space in your character's bag or inventory. So, the best thing that you can do early on in the skinning profession and in the game is to invest a little time and even gold to find some bags.

You have to remember that skinning is really a gathering profession, which will occupy a lot of time on the field. You may want to go over the profession for a second in order for you to really understand the skinning profession. First off, you skin by hunting. This will take time especially if you are at the lower levels. Once you get a good skin, you can create leather by using leatherworking recipes. So, you need to clear those bags and get some food and water. You may also want to take a few potions with you as your character will be on the field for quite some time.

What's great about skinning is that you can make gold as you level up. By simply hunting and skinning animals or monsters in the game, you will be stocking up plenty of leather, which you can sell later for gold. And at the same time, because you will be killing monsters or animals in the game, you will be able to level up.

Also, there are times in the skinning profession that you will end up with knothide leather scraps. Don’t ignore this or throw it away. Instead, try to find a leatherworker that has the skills to turn these scraps in to a knothide leather pieces. For the work, you can trade or give valuable information. Always keep in mind that nothing is really free in World of Warcraft. If you want other characters to do something for you, you may need to pay for it with information, gold, or items.

With the skinning profession, try to keep your eyes open for those special leather drops, such as Clefthoof Leather. This will give you a substantial amount of money.

If used properly, the skinning profession for your character in the World of Warcraft can bring home the gold. Try to get some more information about the skinning profession. You will be surprised to find that plenty of players in the World of Warcraft will be more than happy to share information about this profession. In fact, they can even guide you on how to find rare leather finds.

Skinning is only one of the best professions that your character in World of Warcraft can do. It can get you the gold you need, and it will also help you level up while doing so.

Monday, April 9, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Farming: Playing the Auction House to Earn Gold

In World of Warcraft, the gold is one of the most important things that you need to have in order for you to succeed in the game. With gold, you will be able to buy your character the items it needs in order to level up faster and also to complete the quest. Gold can eventually make your character in World of Warcraft stronger.

If you are having a hard time earning gold in the game, then you may want to know about the Auction House. This is where all the players gather to buy and sell items from other players. If you are an entrepreneur, then you will easily understand the concept on how you can earn World of Warcraft gold in the Auction House.

The concept is really simple. In fact, it has been around ever since the beginning of capitalism itself. If you traded in the stock market before, then you can easily succeed in making money in the World of Warcraft.

As mentioned before, the Auction House is where players buy and sell items. When you enter the Auction House, try to research a bit before you buy or sell items. Find out what items are in demand and for how much. This way, you will have an idea on what you should buy and sell.

The rule for playing the Auction House for profit is to buy low and sell high. If you see that the demand for a rare item is low, you can easily buy it at a low price. You can resell it later at a higher price when demand goes up.

It may sound easy but it really isn’t. You have to have perfect timing and you also need to have knowledge about the market in World of Warcraft.

Capitalize on the lack of knowledge of other players. This will really help you earn a lot of gold in the game for your character. Of course, you will need a capital to buy items. To do this, you first need to go on quests and find rare items that are considered to be valuable for other players. This way, you can earn some capital and start buying and selling items in the Auction House.

One way to get rare items is by going on quests and completing it or you can also kill strong monsters in the game. There is a very good chance that these monsters may drop valuable items. For instance, if you get thornium, you can easily sell it for a huge profit at the Auction House.

Another great method is to buy all the stocks of a particular item available. Once you have everything, you can resell it at a higher price. Because you have the monopoly, other players will have no choice but to buy from you. This won't last long and someone else will try to undercut you by selling the same item at a lower price. This is what you want as this will give you a chance to buy the same item at a lower price. Buy all of your competitor's stock and resell it at your price.

This is just few of the methods on how you can use the Auction House to get more gold. With a bit of tweaking and a little more research, you can use the Auction House to gain bigger profits or gold.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

World of Warcraft Gold Buying: How to Avoid Getting Scammed

As a World of Warcraft gamer, you know how difficult it can be to earn gold in the game. You need to spend countless hours doing jobs and also in the auction house only to end up with a very slim profit margin. In fact, some gamers even end up getting no profit at all. This is why increasing numbers of World of Warcraft gamers are now seeking to buy gold with real cash.

You will see that there are quite a lot of websites on the internet today that claims to teach you how to buy gold for your character in the game. Some sites will even claim that they will provide the best price to buy your World of Warcraft gold. However, like many things in the internet, you need to be cautious as some of these websites are outright scams and will most likely get your World of Warcraft account banned and at the same time, lose real money.

If you choose to buy gold for your character in World of Warcraft, you need to be prepared. The first thing that you need to remember is to be cautious at all times. You also need to buy your World of Warcraft gold responsibly.

You may want to keep in mind that although the internet has people who will provide you with good information and people who do honest business, there are also scam artists out there that preys on people's gullibility and ignorance. This is why it is important for you to know how these sites work in order to avoid getting scammed out of your money and even possibly get your character or account banned from the servers of World of Warcraft

The first type of websites will act as a broker or middleman. This person works to someone who has contacts between players who get their character to work very hard to earn gold to sell for real cash in contact with the player who is willing to buy gold for cash. Most websites like this can be trusted and some of them have been in business for many years. Try to find out more about the website in order for you to know about their reputation.

Another type of website is one that practice hacking and other unethical methods of getting gold in the game. These websites should be avoided at all cost. It's not only bad for the entire World of Warcraft gaming community, but it can also potentially get your account banned or even hacked by the very people you bought gold from.

You also need to remember that Blizzard spends a lot of money to keep the game safe from these unethical websites. They create systems that can track illegal purchases of gold in the game and also track websites that they feel is engaging in unethical or questionable transactions.

If you are really desperate to build up your gold inventory and you are seeking to buy gold, it is advisable that you should stick to World of Warcraft broker websites. Most of them offer money back guarantee if you don’t get what you want and they have been in business for many years providing World of Warcraft services including selling gold.

Just remember that before you buy gold in a specific website, try to read reviews about the website. By doing so, you will know what other gamers feel about the website and also find out if you can trust the website or not. Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will avoid getting scammed when you buy gold for your character in World of Warcraft.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Why You Need Gold and How to Get Gold in World of Warcraft

Like in the real world, World of Warcraft is a place where money is everything. As an avid player of World of Warcraft, you may have realized by now that gold is essential for your character to have. This game is not just about leveling up or killing monsters or making new friends, but it is also about making money for your character to use.

In World of Warcraft, gold is very important because you will use it for almost anything in the game. For training your character, you need gold to pay for training fee. You also need gold to learn new skills for your character. Gold is also needed in the game in order for you to buy items that will make your character stronger and tougher, such as buying weapons that do more damage, or armor that provides better defense.

Gold will basically make your character level up faster and also help get you buffs which will make your character stronger.

So, just how can you get a hold of gold on World of Warcraft easily?

Well, there are basically lots of strategies, which can get you the gold you need faster and more efficiently.

For starters, try to get your profession as early as possible in the game. It is highly recommended that you should start with the gathering profession. By having a profession early on, you will have a huge advantage as you will be able to level up your profession as well as you level up your character. For the gathering profession, it is highly recommended that you go for mining or skinning. Herbalism is also profitable. The great thing about the gathering profession is that it will not cost you gold in order to level up. And, you will be able to sell the things you gathered for gold, which will supply you with a steady income.

Unlike other MMORPG, World of Warcraft offers plenty of rewards for completing quests. By completing quests in World of Warcraft, you will be able to earn EXP as well as gold. You will also get a chance to get your hands on rare items as a reward for doing and completing the quests, which you can sell on Auction House or use for making your character stronger.

The great thing about doing quests is that it can give you EXP which will make your character level up and at the same time, get you to make gold. Whenever you enter a new zone, grab as much quests as you can. Many will only take a few minutes to complete and it offers great rewards.

In World of Warcraft, making gold is not really a problem. In most cases, the problem lies with the spending spree that most players do whenever they want something. If your character is only between levels 1 to 40, you don’t need to buy any gears. Questing will provide you with all the gears you need if your character is only low level. You should also avoid buying enchanting for your items. If you can make it yourself, then do it. If not, try asking high leveled players to enchant your items for you. They can do it for free or at a much lower price.

These are some of the things that you can do in order to make gold in World of Warcraft. As you can see, making gold in this game is not that hard to do. All you need is a little patience and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tips That Can Help You Make Gold in the World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular online games today. With millions of people playing from all over the world, you will see that World of Warcraft is really a large online community bringing people from all over the world closer together.

In this game, gold is one of the most important things that a player should have. With gold, your character can buy the item it needs in order to become stronger, such as weapons that do more damage and armor that provides more defense. Gold is also needed to train your character to acquire new skills, which is essential in the game.

Now, a lot of new players and even veterans in the game find that it is hard to earn gold in World of Warcraft and often time consuming. But, it's really not that hard to do so and you can even earn hundreds of gold per hour.

One technique is through grinding or killing mobs or monsters in the game. Monsters drop certain items and even gold. The items can be sold in the Auction House, traded directly with a player, or it can also be sold to the NPC.

Early on in the game, try to do some grinding especially humanoid mobs as these types of mobs offer good drops and also has a high drop rate of gold.

Doing and completing quests is also very important in the game. If you are a beginner, try to do green or yellow quests as it are much easier than doing harder red quests. It can earn you gold and even obtain rare and sought after items which you can sell at the Auction House. In addition to that, you will also get EXP which will level up your character.

Get an Arcanite bar. It's cheaper now but the timer on transmute has been removed. Use this to your advantage as it can really increase the amount of gold you make in the game.

Also, don’t forget to get a larger bag especially if you are grinding. With a larger bag with a bigger capacity, you can pick up more dropped items which will maximize your time and also the amount of gold you make per grinding session.

If the spot you grind on is quite far from the town or your home base, then you should get a flying mount. It's worth the investment as you will be able to travel a lot faster than going on foot. This will maximize your playing time and really earn more gold a lot faster and much more efficiently. It can also help you complete quests faster.

When you get your hands on rare items that are in high demand but you don’t know how much you should sell it, go to the Auction House. Here, you will have an idea on how much your item is worth. Never ever sell rare items on NPCs as it sells a lot cheaper here than in the Auction House. If you don’t know what items are in demand and what pure junk is, try to visit the Auction House. Here, you will find other people hawking rare items and is also a great chance for you to learn the ropes of the game.

These are just some of the many ways on how you can hit it big and get rich in the game. As you can see, making gold in World of Warcraft is not that hard to do. All you need is a little patience and you can be sure that you will eventually get more gold every time you play World of Warcraft.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Ultimate Guide for Getting Gold in the World of Warcraft

In the game World of Warcraft, having plenty of gold is very important. With it, you can buy the items your character needs in order to get stronger, which will help you finish quests and level up faster.

Basically, gold is the most powerful currency in the World of Warcraft. With gold, you can buy items from vendors. Also, you can use it to pay for your character's training. You should also keep in mind that gold is needed in order to learn new skills. In the World of Warcraft, gold is essential in order to perfect your character. So, here are some tips that will help you farm gold in World of Warcraft.

The first is by getting a profession early on in the game. This will enable you to level up your profession easily and gain its benefits. For new players, the professions that are highly recommended is mining and skinning. These two are the most profitable professions for new players in the World of Warcraft.

The mining profession will enable your character to mine for minerals and ores or even gold itself in caves. Although you may come across tin and copper very often when you go mining, you will see that you may come across rare minerals that are in high demand by other players, which can be highly profitable in your part.

Skinning is another great profession for low level players in the World of Warcraft. Through skinning, you will be able to skin animals and other creatures you kill in the World of Warcraft. The leather you get from skinning can be sold to vendors, which can be profitable. What's more is that you will be able to level up while you do your profession as you are killing animals and other creatures.

Going on quests early on in the game can really help you with getting gold. By going on quests, you will come across plenty of creatures and mobs that can drop special items when you kill them. In addition to that, you will also level up your profession as you go. Completing quests also has its rewards, such as getting additional EXP and also getting nice items and even gold. Going on and completing quests is a great way to level up faster and get richer at the same time.

You should remember that World of Warcraft gears can be very expensive. In fact, the gears here can even be much more expensive than training. When you are between levels 1 to 40, you shouldn’t try buying expensive gears as low level players are not really dependent on gears. Completing the quests for low level players will be able to provide you with everything you need and this strategy will enable you to save gold to buy higher level gears

When fighting mobs, you have to keep in mind that certain mob types drop better stuff than other mob types. For instance, humanoid mobs tend to drop more gold and items than any other creatures in the game. So, if you are a low level player, try to kill as much humanoids as you can.

These are some of the gold making strategies in the World of Warcraft. As you can see, making gold is not really that hard even if you are new to the game. Just follow this guide and you can be sure that you will be well on your way in getting your character the gold it needs to achieve the perfection you seek.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Most Effective Way to Make World of Warcraft Gold for Your Character

As a World of Warcraft gamer, you know that the gold is one of the most important commodities that you need. It is used to buy various items in the game, such as weapons and armor. Without gold, your character in the game will be considered worthless and you will also find it difficult to complete quests and level up.

So, just what is the best kept secret to make gold in World of Warcraft?

First of all, buying gold for cash isn't the answer. Although this may be a fast way to make gold in the game, it will also require you to spend real cash for it.

The best method that you will ever find to really earn gold for your character in World of Warcraft is by buying and selling items. Try to buy and sell items in the auction house and you will find it highly profitable. Just keep in mind that you do need to do a little research in order for you to know what's in demand in the market.

Becoming an auctioneer in World of Warcraft is pretty much like becoming a stock broker. The rule that you want to keep in mind is buy low and sell high. This will really provide your character with a huge profit margin and even average of earning 500 gold an hour. Now, that's quite a lot compared to other professions that your character can take up in the game.

Buying items at a low price and reselling them for profit is the best method that you can ever do in order for you to build up your gold inventory fast.

For this to work, researching is very important. Try to find out what items are selling quick and also for what price.

When you see what people are desperate to buy, you need to get that item at the lowest price that you can get. Then, sell it for profit. This technique is very effective as players who want the item so bad will not even research the price and will eventually pay whatever you ask. So, you can potentially sell the item for an arm and leg.

So, there are basically three steps to earn money as an auctioneer. First, you need to research what's selling and for how much, then you need to buy it at a low price. If the item is again on high demand, you can easily sell them for profit. In fact, you can even sell some items for a hundred percent profit.

You don’t need to get your character to learn any special skills in order to buy and sell items in the game. All you need to know is to learn the law of supply and demand. This works very well in real life and you will be surprised that the same rule applies in World of Warcraft. If you do it right and really become a marketing savvy in the game, then you will earn lots of gold for your character.

This is by far the best way to earn gold in World of Warcraft without buying gold for cash. In fact, if you master this method, you can even make a profit in real life by selling your character's gold for real cash.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Dangers of Buying World of Warcraft Gold with Real Cash

At first, it may sound like a good idea to buy World of Warcraft gold for real cash. Besides, with just a few bucks, you can obtain that much needed gold that can help your character buy the items it needs in order to become stronger, which will enable you to get your character to complete quests easily and also level up faster.

However, buying gold for cash in World of Warcraft is not recommended. Why?

Well, there are many dangers. For instance, you may end up buying gold that came from a hacked account. Blizzard has a very good system for tracking illegal transactions. This means that Blizzard will know if you bought gold that came from a stolen account. This can result in getting your account closed.

Also, some irreputable websites that sell World of Warcraft gold can install spyware and keylogger into your computer without you knowing about it. This can lead to getting your account hacked by the very people you purchased your gold from.

Keyloggers are basically malicious Trojan viruses that can record every key you type in your keyboard and send it to its developer. This can mean that you will be giving away valuable information, such as your user name and password on your World of Warcraft account, as well as your financial or credit card information that you need to use in order to purchase gold or credits in the World of Warcraft.

You can only imagine how this can create chaos in your life as well as on your World of Warcraft account. The hackers can use your account to farm gold and sell it, and they can even steal gold from your character as well as items.

Another risk of buying gold for your World of Warcraft character is that you may never even receive the gold you paid for. This happens very often. Just think about it. Most of the owners of the accounts you deal with are overseas. This means that it is not hard for these scammers to scam you out of your money.

If you get busted by the game bots in World of Warcraft by doing illegal transactions, your account may be suspended. This can mean losing a lot of your hard work in the game, and also lose a lot of money that you invested on the game.

Buying gold with real cash may be an easy way for you to get rich in the World of Warcraft, but it is often dangerous. Instead of buying gold with your cash, try to use your cash to buy guides instead. This can really help you out on how you can earn gold playing the game effectively.

With this, there will be no danger of getting your account suspended and you will also not be in danger in getting your account hacked or be a victim of identity theft.

There are no shortcuts in World of Warcraft, only good strategy. Seek the help of advanced players or you can buy guides to help you out in the game. This is a great strategy that can be worth your while.

So, if you think that buying gold can make your character in World of Warcraft an instant millionaire, you may want to think again.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mining: A Great Way to Earn Gold in World of Warcraft

As a World of Warcraft gamer, we all know that gold is very important. It is basically the currency in this virtual world of gamers. With gold, you can purchase items that will eventually make your character stronger and level up faster.

In World of Warcraft, you will find a lot of ways to earn gold for your character. As a newbie, you may want to take up the mining profession as this profession has the potential in making you lots of gold in the game. Mining is fun and also one of the easiest ways to make gold.

At first, mining may not seem profitable as you may only find anything of value outside of copper and tin. Don’t give up just yet as these materials can be sold to craftsmen in the game, which they need in order to fabricate items. Although you really can't get much for these items, you have to consider that you can't really expect to strike it rich, especially if you are a beginner. It takes time and patience in order for you to earn gold.

When you reach higher levels in the game, this is when the real mining begins. Not only that you will be able to mine for various valuable ores and materials, but you can also potentially mine directly for gold itself. Mining gold in World of Warcraft is one of the best ways to pass the time if you are not leveling up. However, the key here is not really the time you put in mining, but knowing where to look for gold.

If you find the right place to mine for gold, you can eventually strike it rich in the World of Warcraft.

If you want to find gold through mining, the best place to look for it or to mine for it is in the Arathi Highlands – Badlands. These places are known to give a lot of players luck in mining for gold. Gold here is plentiful and it can even allow the inexperienced miner to strike a few ore in just an hour. With a little luck, you can find a nice quantity of gold during your trip here.

Mining for gold is one of the best ways to make gold for your character in World of Warcraft. Aside from that, you can find tons of minerals and ores that can sell for quite a sum of gold in the auction house.

Always keep in mind that you shouldn’t expect to get gold during your first few levels. If you get stronger and once your character can handle stronger monsters, you can visit the Arathi Highlands – Badlands in quest for gold.

So, have your character become a miner as a profession in World of Warcraft. It's fun, profitable and it's easy. With any luck, you can even earn enough gold that you can even make a profit out of it in the real world. You will see that there are plenty of World of Warcraft players who want to make easy gold in the game by purchasing gold with real cash.

Gold is an essential commodity in World of Warcraft. By mining for it, you will eventually strike it rich especially if you are at a higher level.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Maximizing Your Time and Profit by Enlarging Your Bags

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular massively multiplayer online role playing games today. As a gamer of this great game, you know that gold is essential in order for you to purchase items that will make your character stronger, which will enable you to level up faster.

However, earning gold can be very hard and time consuming.

Enlarging the bag is one of the most neglected strategies in World of Warcraft. This could cost you if you don’t do this early on in the game. Imagine killing a monster that drops a very valuable and rare item. When you tried to pick it up, you find out that your bag is already full. What's worse is that you can't drop or discard any items in your bag as the items stored are also very important.

This is just one of the reasons why you need to enlarge your bags as early in the game as possible, especially on your first 10 levels.

There are several ways to do this but you may want to start with the cheapest and quickest way first.

If you have a guild or a friend playing the World of Warcraft, they can help you out. If you can, try finding a friendly tailor. You may need to farm for some materials for the bag and the tailor will help you out with the materials needed. After getting the materials needed to make a bag, the tailor can fabricate it for you. Tailors can make almost any bags in the game except for those special bags from special drops. If you can't find any tailor, use the tradechat feature to find one. Here, there is a good chance that you can find one that will be willing to make you the bag you need for a good tip

You may also want to do quests early on and kill mobs or monsters in transit. Usually, humanoid mobs often drop linen cloth, which can be made in to a bag. In some quests, you can find some bags. At Wharf Master at Rachet, you can find an Old Moneybag that has 6 slots.

At Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure, you can find Captain Sander's Booty Bag at Westfall. You can also try digging through the ooze in the Wetlands, which will get you a 10 slot bag or get a sturdy lunchbox, which has 12 slots.

If all else fails, you can just buy a bag in the Auction House. Here, you will find plenty of different types of bags. Try finding the best deals here as bags are highly in demand. If you have an Auctioneer add-on, you will be able to survey the field and find when the supply is high and demand is low. With patience, you can find a bag that you can use on your quests to store rare and important items at a very fair price.

By enlarging your bag, you can be sure that you will be able to save time and maximize profit in the game. With a large bag, it is very unlikely that you will need to get rid of an item in order to make room for another. This can really give you plenty of profit and really earn gold in the game for your character to use.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Making Tons of Gold in World of Warcraft with Small Companion Pets

In the World of Warcraft's expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, it created more opportunities for players to earn gold. As a gamer of this very popular online game, you know how many players here find that small companion pets are fun to have for their character.

Although these small non-combat pets don't really serve any purpose except to boost aesthetic appeal, they are still on high demand among a lot of players in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King.

These are basically vanity items that more and more players want to have for their character, which is why you should try selling pets.

Because of the new demand for companion pets, the prices for it in auction houses have reached an all time high. For you to make a lot of gold in the game, you may want to enter the market for small companion pets as a seller.

In fact, in the Lich King era, you can now sell these low cost items from 10 gold to 50 gold.

If you want the best opportunity to sell small companion pets, then you should know about cross faction pets. Because these faction specific pets are difficult to obtain by the opposite faction, the rarity itself can drive the prices for these pets through the roof.

However, these are quite difficult to obtain. To focus on earning fast gold, the easiest pets that you should focus on obtaining and selling are kittens, cats of all kinds, snakes, Dragonhawk hatchlings, and even rabbit. You can even get chickens, frogs, cockroaches, moths, and owls to sell as pets.

These are the pets that you should go for if you are just a beginner in the world of auctioning small companion pets.

Although these may not sell for a big price, it will eventually sell as these pets are very much in demand.

When you are at a higher level and you really want to go big time, it may now be time for you to concentrate more on rare pet drops, which has higher demand and also higher prices because of its rarity. An example of a pet that is high in demand is the Whelplings. These pets can go for 500 gold or so. In fact, these pets can even sell up to 1000 gold especially if the supply is rather low and there is high demand for it.

The trick here is to learn how to buy and sell on the auction house rather than farm for the items yourself. It is much easier and if you mastered the marketing technique in the auction house, you can easily sell the mentioned items for maximum profit.

As you can see, there are quite a lot more ways to earn gold in World of Warcraft than you can imagine. Instead of concentrating on your character's profession to make gold, why not try selling small companion pets? Because of its high demand, you can be sure that you will make a lot of money out of the pets.

So, take a closer look at the whole category of Companion Pets. With a little research and with a little knowhow in the World of Warcraft auction houses, you will be well on your way in getting your character to become very rich in the game.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Making Lots of Gold through Spider Silk Farming

As a newbie in the game World of Warcraft, you will find it hard to make gold. You have to remember the fact that gold is essential in the game as this will allow you to buy certain items that can make your character stronger and faster, which can eventually help your character to level up.

Due to lack of experience, a lot of new players of World of Warcraft pass up a lot of opportunities to make gold. You have to know what and where to grind in order to make lots of gold for your character. It is very common that new players of this game fail to recognize the value of the items dropped by monsters that they defeat, which makes them miss out on the opportunity to make gold at the auction house.

One great way to make gold in the game is through the grinding of spiders.

Spider Silk is one of the hottest items that sell in the World of Warcraft or at least in some servers. Spider Silk is very much in demand by tailors and leatherworkers and you will find spiders on almost every zone in the game. If you are new to the game, try going to the Alther's Mill and Redbridge Mountains. Here, you will find plenty of Tarantulas, which is a very good source of spider silk.

Duskwood is also a great place to find spiders.

For the best location for spiders, go to the Giant Plains Creeper of the Arathi Highlands. Here, you will find a very good concentration of spiders, which can provide you with plenty of spider silk to sell.

You also need to keep in mind that spiders drop more valuable items aside from silk. There are several recipes in World of Warcraft that require spiders in one form or another. You can learn how to cook spider sausage, which is very much in demand as it can heal plenty of health in just over 30 seconds. In addition to that, it can also buff of plus 12 stamina and can make the character sprint that lasts for 15 minutes.

The venom sac that spiders drop is also very valuable as it can be used for first aid and alchemy for crafting anti-venom. Venom sacs are considered to be best sellers in the auction house and you may want to hold on to it if it is dropped by the spiders you kill.

If you are playing World of Warcraft Expansion titled The Wrath of the Lich King, then you will definitely want to hold on to the Iceweb Spider Silk as this is used for crafting a lot of recipes and patterns, which include Epic Spellthreads and Flying Carpets.

As you can see, you can make a lot of gold even as a newbie in the World of Warcraft. Through Spider Silk Farming, you eventually have a very good start in the game as you will earn a substantial amount of gold which you can use to assist you with your character to level up.

Remember these tips and you will be able to level up very fast with the help of gold. Through these tips, you will get your character to earn plenty of gold which you can use to purchase different items to make your character stronger.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Making Gold through Questing In World of Warcraft

Today, millions of people are playing the wonderful and highly entertaining MMORPG World of Warcraft. If you too are playing this game, then you know how important gold is for your character to have. With gold, you can buy the items your character needs in order to make them stronger, which will make them level up faster.

In World of Warcraft, money or gold rather, does talk. This is why a lot of people today are buying guides to help them make gold faster and more efficiently.

For starters, you have to remember that making gold in World of Warcraft is really no secret. You just need to find out how and where.

The most basic way to make fast gold in World of Warcraft is by completing quests. Going on quests and completing it will not only help you make gold, but it will also make your character level up faster. This is because you will need to kill mobs and creatures as you go on your quest. This will help you gain EXP which is essential for leveling up. In addition to that, you can also pick up lots of item drops from the enemies you kill. These drops can be sold in NPC's or to other players in the game at the auction house.

When you go questing, it is important for you to get a larger bag for your character. Why? Well, with a larger bag, you can pick up more item drops from the enemies you kill. This means that you won't miss out on getting the good stuff and it will also help you avoid dropping certain items in your bag that you consider important.

Let's say for example that you have a small bag. It's already full of stuff that you consider important and you really don't consider dropping any of the items in your character's bag. After killing a group of creatures, you saw something rare and are in very high demand in the auction house where people there will pay an arm and leg just to get it. And, you can't really afford to drop any of the items that are already in your bag to make room for the rare item. This can be very frustrating and you will really miss out on a lot of opportunities if you don’t get a larger bag.

Early on in the game, get a larger bag for your character.

When you go on quests, make sure that you take on green or yellow quests. These are much easier and will be much more worthwhile than going on red quests, which are complicated and tricky to achieve. Unless you are already in the higher levels, finish your green and yellow quests first.

Finishing quests will enable you to get cool stuff and even gold. When you finish a particular quest, you will be rewarded with gold and a bunch of items which you can really use or sell for gold in the Auction House.

Making gold in the World of Warcraft is no big secret. By knowing the basics of the game and by finishing quests, you will be well on your way in getting your character to become very rich in the game. Always keep in mind that when you go questing, never forget to upgrade your bag to a larger one.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Helpful Tips That Can Really Make You A Lot of World of Warcraft Gold

Do you want to know the secret behind getting rich in the World of Warcraft? If you answered yes, then you are in for a treat. These secrets aren’t really secrets but are common knowledge that a lot of players overlook. If you want to make your character in the game of World of Warcraft rich, then here are some tips that you should definitely follow.

First of all, making money in World of Warcraft is not that hard. And, you don’t even need a guide book in order to make a lot of gold. With a bit of common sense and understanding of the game, you will be well on your way in becoming a gold mogul in World of Warcraft.

The first is that you shouldn’t gear up early on in the game. If your character is only in its early levels or in between levels 1 and 20, you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on gears. Characters in these levels are not dependent on gears and the gears are readily available from monster drops and quests. Save your hard earned gold for future investments.

You also need to remember that you should adopt a sensible combination of primary professions for your character. Get one gathering profession and one crafting profession. The gathering profession should be able to gather the items you need for your crafting profession.

Secondary professions are also important. Fishing, cooking, and first aid can really help you make a lot of money. These professions have gold to be made from them. For example, if your secondary profession is fishing and you caught a rare fish, then you will be able to sell it for a lot of gold.

Always keep in mind that the best crafted items are often learned from hard to find patterns and recipes. Seek out recipes and patterns that are considered to be in demand by the players of World of Warcraft. Don’t get patterns from the trainer. Instead, get it from the Goblins who often possess limited numbers of hard to find patterns and recipes.

You should also remember that the bigger your character's bags are the better. With bigger bags, you will be able to hold more items that you can sell. This means that you can grind longer and also avoid dropping important items in order to make room for a rare item that you want to sell.

Learning the Auction House is also essential in order for you to make a lot of gold in the game. By knowing what's in demand and the price asked for it, you will be able to trade rather effectively inside the Auction House. Always keep in mind to sell Green, Blue, and Purple items at the Auction House. Grey items are considered trash and can be sold at NPCs.

Use the trade channel that is provided in the game. Here, you will be able to hawk your wares and get better offers from other players.

These are the tips that you should remember when you play World of Warcraft. By keeping these tips in mind, you can be sure that you will be able to get your character rich. As you can see, making gold in World of Warcraft is not that hard to do. With patience, you will be able to make plenty of gold that your character can definitely use for leveling up and to make it much stronger.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

WoW Crusher Review

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WoW Crusher has not only amazed us though – tons of other gamers agree that it is the most comprehensive guide to help you with this game. It’s gotten overwhelmingly positive reviews on dozens of other trusted websites and comes highly recommended by loads of of expert gamers. We can promise you one thing, if you get this product you won’t regret it.
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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Great Strategies That Can Make a Lot of Gold in World of Warcraft

As a World of Warcraft gamer, you know that gold is one of the most important things that you need to have in order for you to achieve your goals easily and level up as fast as possible. With gold, you will be able to buy items that your character in World of Warcraft needs to become stronger.

In World of Warcraft, becoming stronger is essential in order for you to easily complete quests and level up.

At first, you may think that making gold in World of Warcraft is a difficult thing to do. However, you will see that there are strategies here that can eventually get your character to earn gold quite easily.

However, you may want to keep in mind that there are a lot of strategies in World of Warcraft that can help you make gold. Even if you find the strategies, you will see that there are more ways to get gold in the game. You have to keep in mind that the strategies here are created by the players themselves and not by the creators of the game.

So, here are two strategies that can help you get easy and quick gold in World of Warcraft. By combining these two strategies, you can be sure that you will be able to earn gold for your character easily and quickly.

The first strategy is by being a gatherer. It's really not that hard to become a gatherer. All you need is a little bit of time and patience to learn where certain things are. In World of Warcraft, certain areas will contain specific rare items that are dropped by mobs or monsters.

After learning where good stuff that is worth gathering and spending time on are, then the rest is really up to you. You may want to gather everything you will find, which is also why you need to enlarge your character's bag in the game. The stuff you gather can be sold in the auction house.

This will not bring you to the second strategy, which is knowing how to play the auction house. Study what people want to buy and for how much they are willing for such item. By studying the market trend in the World of Warcraft, you will be able to know what you should gather more of and also what are junk. You will also have an idea of the price which means that you can set a good and profitable price for the goods you are selling.

In the auction house, try to learn what type of fads work, what type of ads are effective, and also for how long you need to be there. The time of day is also an important thing that you should take note of. Some items may be in demand for this hour, but it can be different on the next.

Trading in the Auction House is like trading in the stock market here in the real world. You need to think like a capitalist and you also have to apply the basic rule in trading, which is buy low and sell high.

These two strategies can really help you make gold in no time at all. Remember these tips and you can be sure that getting gold will become easier for you to do.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fast and Easy Ways to Make Gold in the World of Warcraft

Everyone who plays World of Warcraft knows for a fact that gold is very important for their character to have in the game. With gold, you will be able to buy items for your character that will make them stronger, which is essential in leveling up. Gold is also used to pay for training and learning special skills that your character can do.

Basically, gold is one of the most important commodities in World of Warcraft and it can really let you ease your way throughout the game. Each and every player of World of Warcraft knows that he or she can earn gold for his or her character through questing and farming. But, a lot of players are asking if this really is the best way to make gold in the World of Warcraft.

For starters, you will find that the average player will waste a lot of time farming. You will even see some players do quests just for the sake of getting gold. And, you will see others discovering the next best method of earning more gold in the game for their character. So, the next question would be is there any more ways where you can get fast gold in the game?

Well, there is. In fact, you can even do it easily and even for free. You see, there are plenty of ways to get gold for your character in the World of Warcraft. And, in order for you to find out the different strategies for each character class to make gold efficiently, then you may want to buy a guide for it.

You have to remember that each character in the World of Warcraft are unique and have different special skills. Each unique character has advantages and disadvantages, which is why you need to learn where to find gold and how to make it at a fast rate.

By knowing your character, you will know which mob you should fight and also how to fight it. For example, if you chose the Mage Class character, then you will want to go for multiple mobs as the Mage Class character offer area of effect damage that is comparable to no other characters in the World of Warcraft. Although the Mage Class character is not really suited for single combat, it fares really well on multiple enemies.

The guide you purchase should also contain information on where to find certain mobs that offers a high drop rate of certain items.

In addition to a character guide, you may also want to learn about the Auction House in the World of Warcraft. Playing the Auction House is like playing the Stock Market. Here, you will need to buy low and sell high. The Auction House in World of Warcraft is basically capitalism at its finest.

Learning what's in demand and what sells at a very high price is essential in order for you to make plenty of gold. There are several strategies that you can learn in order to play the Auction House successfully, such as buying an entire stock of a particular rare item in order to monopolize the market and set a high price.

There are plenty more strategies that you can learn about how to make gold in World of Warcraft. With patience and by reading the correct guide, you can be sure that you will be able to earn a lot of gold, which can really help your character out throughout the game.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Earn World of Warcraft Gold the Fast Way by Being a Crafter

Whether you have been playing World of Warcraft for years or you just started playing, you will always wonder how you can make more money for your character in the game. You have to consider that gold is one of the most important commodities in World of Warcraft. It is the currency of the game and is used to buy items, such as weapons and armor.

If your character only owns little gold, then you will find it difficult to level up and complete quests. You need gold in the game in order to buy stronger weapons and armor which will help you defeat monsters and complete quests.

In the game, making gold is one of the most favorite things to do of players from all over the world. In fact, players that already have lots of gold still seek to make more gold. The greed factor is what drives players of World of Warcraft to look for various ways to make more gold.

Today, some players even buy gold with real cash from other players. This is a fast way to make gold for your character but it's really not the only way. There are quite a lot of ways on how you can make gold in the game without buying it for real cash.

If you want to make a nice profit for your character, then being a crafter can seriously pay off.

At first, crafting will make you lose money. Besides, in any kind of business, even in the real world, you need to invest money in order to make money. In World of Warcraft, you have to spend gold in order to make gold. This is very true if your character takes up the crafting profession in the game.

It is highly recommended that you shouldn’t take up the crafting profession if you are still at a low level. If you are already at around level 200 or so, then you will be ready to make some serious gold for your character in World of Warcraft as a crafter.

So, the question is why shouldn’t you take up crafting profession in the game unless you are already at a very high level? Well, it really has to do something with the items you craft. If you are at a higher level, the items that you can craft will be in very high demand, which means that you will start to see a major influx of gold for the items you craft in the game.

Leatherworking is a very strong crafting profession in the game. This is because the demand for this crafting skill is very high. There are a lot more people who will need the items you craft as a leatherworker than there are leatherworkers in the game. Blacksmithing is also the same.

Alchemy is also a profession that is highly in demand. Because the herbs needed are very difficult to find, the items you craft from the herbs will be like your very own personal gold mine. Everyone in the game will want the items you make from the herbs, and you can put a high price tag for it. Tailoring also provides the same deal and demand as alchemy. Almost every player in World of Warcraft will need the items you craft as an alchemist or tailor that it's like selling scarce food to the hungry.

Knowing where to sell the items you craft is also essential in order to make fast gold in the game. You can create a contact of your frequent customers and message them about the availability of the items they want but this takes time. So, try going to the auction house where players will enter to buy your stuff.

Crafting can be very profitable in World of Warcraft. With patience and by mastering your character's crafting profession, you will be well on your way in becoming very rich in World of Warcraft.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Earn Lots of Gold for Your Character in World of Warcraft the Wrath of the Lich King

Gold is one of the most important commodities in the game World of Warcraft. Without it, you won't be able to buy weapons and other things that your character needs in the game to complete quests and to level up. If you are playing World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King, then you will find that there are methods that will help you make gold rather easily.

So, don’t even think about buying gold from illegal websites as this tactic will only get your account banned or even hacked by the very people you purchased your gold from.

Here are the most popular ways that will help you make gold for your character in World of Warcraft easily and legally.

The first is by choosing a gathering profession for your character. These professions can really help you make a substantial amount of gold in the game that you can use for various purposes.

An example of gathering job is mining. Engineers and blacksmiths in the game need miners to provide them with the necessary raw materials to fabricate weapons and armors to name two. For iron and mithril, you should visit the Arathi Highlands. If you need thorium and Arcane Crystals, get your character to mine in the Eastern Plaguelands and the Burning Steppes.

Skinning is another profession that can potentially make a lot of gold for your character. The Stranglethorn Vale is a great place to kill creatures for a quest, such as raptors and panthers.

Fishing is another great way to make money, especially if you fish for pearls. Black pearls can sell for 10 Gold per stack and one Golden Pearl can sell for 30 gold. Herbalism is another great profession that your World of Warcraft character can do. For high profit, look for plagueblooms in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, and ghost mushrooms in the Hinterlands.

You should also try combining the gathering profession with the service profession. By doing so, you will be able to use the materials you gather to craft various items.

Alchemy and herbalism are two great professions that work well together. Alchemy needs herbs to make potions and herbalism is a fantastic profession to gather the herbs you need.

Combining Leatherworking with skinning profession is a great way to earn gold. You can use the leather you gather to make armor and save a lot of money. You can also sell the things you craft to other players for gold.

As you can see, you don’t have to resort to buying gold for cash in order to earn gold for your character. By doing jobs for your character, you can easily earn gold in no time at all. Try to master the profession that you took up for your character and you will find that making gold is quite easy to do.

Remember these things and you will never have any problems earning gold for your character in the game of World of Warcraft. Through these methods, you can be sure that you will eventually have a great time playing the game without getting frustrated in finding gold.

These are just some of the ways to earn gold in the game. There are plenty more methods that you can do which are both legal and easy.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Guide to Buying the Best World of Warcraft Gold Guide

When you search the internet for a World of Warcraft gold guide, you will find that there are hundreds or even thousands of results. It's simply all over the place and each is claiming to be the best World of Warcraft gold guide there is. Now, this can really get you confused with your selection as every person who made World of Warcraft gold guides are claiming that their guide is the best.

And, with the number of guides available, it can really get you confused in deciding which to purchase. So, here is a brief guide on how to buy the best World of Warcraft gold guide, which can really help your World of Warcraft character make some serious money.

Obviously, the first thing that you need to look for in a guide is the actual size of the guide. It may sound like a no-brainer but you have to remember that gold guides will usually come with more than one World of Warcraft guide. You will find the main guide as well as supplemental guides.

Look for a World of Warcraft gold guide that has at least 200 pages for just the main guide. With this guide, you can be sure that the guide will contain plenty of great stuff that you can use in the game, such as maps, screenshots, and detailed walkthroughs, which can really help you make a lot of money and even level up your character faster.

In addition to the main guide, the World of Warcraft gold guide you purchase should also have at least 2 supplemental guides. One should definitely be an Auction House guide, which will teach you the ropes and strategies inside the Auction House and the other should be a fishing manual for the game.

Mastering the Auction House will enable you to make a lot of money in the game. By understanding the market inside the game, you will have a better chance at making money. It's basically the law of supply and demand and capitalism at its finest.

Fishing is commonly overlooked as a very good way to profit. With the fishing manual added on the World of Warcraft gold guide, you will find that this profession has its perks. In fact, a lot of people who chose the fishing profession for their World of Warcraft character ended up with plenty of gold.

Another thing that you should look for in a World of Warcraft gold guide is a mob chart. With this, you will be able to find the most profitable mob in the game. If you use it right, this can be very profitable for your character. A mob chart shouldn’t just include the location on where to find such mob, but it should also contain information regarding the level of the mob, what the mob drops, and the easiest way to kill them.

The mob chart is considered to be a gold mine in conjunction with the quests.

Lastly, look for a guide that has quest walkthroughs. With this, you will be able to complete quests much easier and faster, which can only mean one thing, which is getting gold and nice or rare items faster. Also, a quest walkthrough will point you to the profitable quests.

These are the things that you should look for in a World of Warcraft gold guide. With all these things included in the guide, you can be sure that you will get your character to make a lot of money and at the same time, level up faster.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5 Great Tips That Can Help Your WOW Character Earn Lots of Gold

In World of Warcraft, gold is one of the most important commodities. A lot of people think that gold is very hard to earn in the game and most of them resort to buying gold for cash. Some people who did this ended up getting banned by the World of Warcraft servers, while other got their account hacked by the very people they bought gold from.

Although there are reputable websites that sells gold for World of Warcraft gamers legally and honestly, you have to remember that there are a lot more ways to get gold for your character without spending real cash.

So, here are the ways on how you can earn gold for your character easily and without spending real cash for it.

First of all, you need to remember that there are various professions that your character can take up in the game. Some of these characters can really earn lots of money as the profession is highly in demand by a lot of players.

The first profession is blacksmithing. This is one of the secrets to make big money in the game. Characters in the game need blacksmiths to renew items. Because of the constant need for renewing items, this profession will always be in demand. An example would be making sharpening stones and grinding stones.

Enchanting is another profession in World of Warcraft that can make your character lots of money. This can provide your character with decent gold in World of Warcraft. In all the servers in World of Warcraft, you will find that there is a huge market enchanting materials, such as Shards to Dust. Try to focus on disenchanting instead of enchanting as this can make your character the most profit.

The disenchanting skills will make you stacks of materials for other enchanters that are too lazy to get them for themselves.

Engineering is also another great profession in World of Warcraft that can help you make a lot of money for your character. The engineering profession can fabricate items that are highly in demand by players, such as bombs, explosives, and fireworks just to name a few.

Small Pet Vendors are also very much in demand. Although pets aren’t really necessary to achieve quests and level up in the game, you will find that for some reason, World of Warcraft players love to get their character small pets. If you choose this profession for your World of Warcraft character, you will see that it will provide a unique opportunity for your character to make a lot of money in the game. All you need to do is pick up as many small pets as you can while traveling through Azeroth and sell them in the Auction House. You will be surprised as to how many people want to have small pets for their characters.

Instance Runs is another fantastic way to earn money for your character in World of Warcraft. You will find that there are a good number of instances in the game that can be used to farm green items. These can be sold in Auction Houses or you can also disenchant them for the materials they can provide. Once you reach level 70, you will be able to instances alone, which can make your character lots of gold.

These are the 5 ways on how you can make lots of gold for your character in World of Warcraft. With patience, you can even make real profit by selling gold for cash to other players.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Inside Scoop on the World’s Biggest World of Warcraft Guide

So, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last couple of weeks, you’ve probably heard about this new Warcraft guide product hitting the market. It’s called Warcraft Blueprint and it’s written by a new comer who’s coming out of the gate swinging. Instead of just writing a new version of a levelling guide or a PvP guide, she’s got a series of four guides that include literally everything you can imagine to help players launch their way to the top of the game – or at least that’s what she claims.

So, what’s the real word? Does Warcraft Blueprint live up to the hype that we’re hearing all over the Internet? I haven’t gotten all the way through it thus far, but I wanted to offer a run through of exactly what you’d be getting if you stopped by her site and bought the new guides today.

The Contents

First up, there is the Gold Guide – one of the biggest around. It’s a solid 300+ pages and contains pretty much every single piece of gold making info you could ever need to make it to the top of the game. In short, if you’re interested in making gold with the Auction house, instances, farming, or anything else that the game has to offer, it’s in here.

Next, are two levelling guides of 300+ pages – one for the Horde and one for the Alliance. Each guide contains exact steps to get from Level 1 to Level 80 in as fast a time as possible. The guides come with links to the databases for each quest and maps to show you where you’re going.

Finally, there are fully featured PvP and class guides – all designed to show players what they’re supposed to be doing as they grind their way toward the top. In short, this is everything you’ll need to buff your way up to 80 and then get the badges, gold, and items you need. It’s impressive and I look forward to going through it in more detail in the weeks to come.

The Inside Scoop on the World’s Biggest World of Warcraft Guide

So, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last couple of weeks, you’ve probably heard about this new Warcraft guide product hitting the market. It’s called Warcraft Blueprint and it’s written by a new comer who’s coming out of the gate swinging. Instead of just writing a new version of a levelling guide or a PvP guide, she’s got a series of four guides that include literally everything you can imagine to help players launch their way to the top of the game – or at least that’s what she claims.

So, what’s the real word? Does Warcraft Blueprint live up to the hype that we’re hearing all over the Internet? I haven’t gotten all the way through it thus far, but I wanted to offer a run through of exactly what you’d be getting if you stopped by her site and bought the new guides today.

The Contents

First up, there is the Gold Guide – one of the biggest around. It’s a solid 300+ pages and contains pretty much every single piece of gold making info you could ever need to make it to the top of the game. In short, if you’re interested in making gold with the Auction house, instances, farming, or anything else that the game has to offer, it’s in here.

Next, are two levelling guides of 300+ pages – one for the Horde and one for the Alliance. Each guide contains exact steps to get from Level 1 to Level 80 in as fast a time as possible. The guides come with links to the databases for each quest and maps to show you where you’re going.

Finally, there are fully featured PvP and class guides – all designed to show players what they’re supposed to be doing as they grind their way toward the top. In short, this is everything you’ll need to buff your way up to 80 and then get the badges, gold, and items you need. It’s impressive and I look forward to going through it in more detail in the weeks to come.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Just When You Thought You Had Seen it All – Warcraft Blueprint Shows Up

I don’t know if you’ve seen the newest World of Warcraft guide yet, but it’s pretty impressive – a massive, brand new guide of over 1,000 pages that shows players how to level up any class in either faction, make gold with whatever strategies you want, and to dominate PvP and class strategies. In short, it covers everything you could possibly want from level 1-80 and it’s all available at a single price.

The guides come from brand new writer though, so a lot of people are wondering if it maintains the quality level that they expect from their guides. Luckily, for most of you, the guide is above and beyond what you might normally expect from guides like this. Sure, it’s long, but it’s also well written and complete. There aren’t any hidden vestiges of 2.3 content floating around to waste your time and money.

So, the big question then – is this thing worth the purchase? I can’t offer you a full opinion as I have yet to read the entire guide (might take a while), but I can say this – if you take very other guide on the market and compile them, you’d still be missing some of the stuff that Amy Anderson has jammed into her Warcraft Blueprint. So, if you’re looking for a guide for your next grind to level 80, you very well may want to check this one out and see what it has to offer.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do You Have All the WoW Tools You Need?

With today’s post, I want to show you exactly what it is you should be using to master your World of Warcraft gaming experience. I get a lot of requests for this kind of checklist, so I wanted to put it all together in a short, easy to ready guide.

What You Need

To start with, you had better have a good computer. Lag, poor resolution, and heat prone laptops are all bad for WoW. You need the top performance around if you want to do well in this game, especially in raiding and PvP. Next up, you’d better spend some time developing the tools you’ll need to get through the game.

That means a whole lot of add-ons. If you’re an auction house user, get yourself Auctioneer and Auctionator. Add Postal for easy mailbox access. Boost your class with the specific class add-ons you need for your character, and get the tools you’ll need for your raiding experience and PvP in the form of TitanPanel and CT_Mod. These are all great ways to boost your overall experience when you use the game’s many different interface options.

The Guides

Finally, there are people who want to know if they need a good guide to get to Level 80 and beyond. Personally, I say it’s up to you and what you specifically want for your character. There are plenty of good gold guides, levelling guides, and PvP strategies out there to help you level up. However, if you’re even remotely serious about getting to the top, you’ll want one of the high end all-in-one guides like Warcraft Blueprint – complete with levelling guides, gold, PvP, and class information.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Three Things You’re Doing Wrong in Your Leveling Efforts

Leveling up in a game like World of Warcraft is a time consuming process. It starts way back in your starting zones and it will take you across all over Azeroth, Outland and Northrend to reach level 80. Some players can get the entire process done in as little as 3 days, but for those of you that cannot – and for those that are struggling to get it all done in less than a week or two – here are some things you could very well be doing wrong.

1. Farming for Gold – To start with, stop farming for gold. You’re wasting time and you don’t need gold until you hit Level 80 or so. Most of the gold you need can be gathered while questing. If you’re coming up a bit short, grab mining and skinning and gather gold that way as you level. But, stop farming so much – it’s a waste of time.

2. Not Speccing Your Talents – Your talents are vital for getting to better levels in the game. If you want to level up faster, you need to spec in a way that is designed to support levelling speed, not tanking or healing. Talk to your fellow players or check the wikis to see which specs are best for levelling your class.

3. Not Questing – Always quest when playing the game. These quests award huge XP bumps as you move upward and will allow you to get to new heights at record speed. Make sure to spend a great deal of time playing the game, but always quest and it will go by much faster.

If you’re doing any of these three things, you’re wasting time and effort by levelling up the slow, amateur way. Rather than wasting all that time on strategies that have not worked since 2.1, make sure you get the right streamlined approach in place and blast your way to level 80 with a clear idea of quests and areas you’ll visit.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Does PvP Strategies That Will Actually Work

PvP is not just a side-quest part of the game in World of Warcraft. Some players just dabble in it, getting some honor points and arena points to land trinkets and basic gear upgrades. Others spend hours every week tweaking and perfecting their characters to a level high enough to actually dominate the game. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll need to spend some time determining what it takes to be the best when you step into that battleground or PvP arena.

• Having a Strategy Every Time – PvP is like a chess match. If you go in and wing it, you’ll never come out a winner. You need a good strategy and that means studying your opponents. Watch videos, read about certain classes, and prepare for arena grounds or battlegrounds carefully.

• Plan Ahead – Secondly, plan a strategy for how you’ll handle each class. If you are a Rogue, determine which classes you’re most likely to handle and then adjust your strategies to match how you’ll fight those classes.

• Know Your Group and Practice Often – Get a group together early and practice often. The only way to be truly effective in PvP is to have a well tuned and highly prepared group of players who know how each other play extremely well. Without that practice and that knowledge, you may as well PUG it out, running around randomly hoping to get lucky. Against good teams, you’ll be toast in a matter of seconds.

Like a general preparing for battle, you need to not only know what you’re facing, but have a strategy for every possible outcome when you step onto the battlefield. Spending hours and hours running the same content and messing up in the same way is pointless. Learn from your mistakes and master the intricate aspects of PvP in World of Warcraft like only the truly great players can