Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Inside Scoop on the World’s Biggest World of Warcraft Guide

So, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last couple of weeks, you’ve probably heard about this new Warcraft guide product hitting the market. It’s called Warcraft Blueprint and it’s written by a new comer who’s coming out of the gate swinging. Instead of just writing a new version of a levelling guide or a PvP guide, she’s got a series of four guides that include literally everything you can imagine to help players launch their way to the top of the game – or at least that’s what she claims.

So, what’s the real word? Does Warcraft Blueprint live up to the hype that we’re hearing all over the Internet? I haven’t gotten all the way through it thus far, but I wanted to offer a run through of exactly what you’d be getting if you stopped by her site and bought the new guides today.

The Contents

First up, there is the Gold Guide – one of the biggest around. It’s a solid 300+ pages and contains pretty much every single piece of gold making info you could ever need to make it to the top of the game. In short, if you’re interested in making gold with the Auction house, instances, farming, or anything else that the game has to offer, it’s in here.

Next, are two levelling guides of 300+ pages – one for the Horde and one for the Alliance. Each guide contains exact steps to get from Level 1 to Level 80 in as fast a time as possible. The guides come with links to the databases for each quest and maps to show you where you’re going.

Finally, there are fully featured PvP and class guides – all designed to show players what they’re supposed to be doing as they grind their way toward the top. In short, this is everything you’ll need to buff your way up to 80 and then get the badges, gold, and items you need. It’s impressive and I look forward to going through it in more detail in the weeks to come.

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